

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. ♌️

as the energy of fixed fire, Leos have passion and ambition to share! 🔥💃🏻

similar to Cancers, they listen to their heart, yet lead with confidence and are usually never afraid to embrace who they are, loudly. 🗣

they are represented by the lion. and wow do they ROAR! 🦁

Leo is ruled by the Sun, which symbolizes the Divine Masculine, shining bright AF, and never burning out. 🌞

and i have to note, of course, even if Leo is or is not your Sun sign, you may or may not exhibit these traits... based on the energy in the rest of your chart.

your Sun sign is really just one aspect of who you are. there's a lot more to you than that! 🌟

curious and want to learn more? look up your chart to find out (link in bio) or book a reading to go deeper and learn more about who you are at a soul level. 🔮

are you or is anyone you know a Leo? i'd love to know how this resonates with you ✍🏼💭



