change is the only constant

when there's a lot of change happening, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated

what has helped me in times like these?

coming back to my strategy and authority in Human Design

my authority is Sacral and my strategy is to wait to respond

which means i'm meant to do the things that feel expansive to me, excite me, and my body feels lit up by

and realizing that as a Mani Gen, change truly is my only constant

i'm always being led to the next best thing for me when i'm following my excitement

when i don't follow that, i get frustrated and meet dead ends (not-self theme) resulting in anger and more frustration, and a depletion and total drain of my energy

following your Human Design is literally the key to having everything you want in your life, and finding ease through it all

allowing yourself to BE who you ARE

if you're a Sacral authority too, allowing yourself to do what feels good and move on when something no longer feels good/exciting

removing the conditioning that we've been subject to is everything when it comes to living in alignment with yourself, aka your design

the thoughts that tell you you "should" do this or can't possibly follow what feels good because that just doesn't make sense...

that's not who you came here to be

and Human Design gives you insight and empowerment into the person you truly really ARE

so you can start living from that place

because that is the key to your ultimate alignment and manifesting all the things you want in your life

it's so simple, and yet so profound

what's your Human Design authority? (it would be sacral, emotional, splenic, ego, self-projected, mental, or lunar)

if you wanna learn more about yours, check out the Book a Session tab to view my current offerings


want a job doing what you love?


Projector Power: Unlocking the Key to Success for Your Unique Human Design Type