The Ultimate Guide to Eating for Your Human Design: Discover the Right Way to Nourish Your Unique Body
It is no secret that Human Design is a complex system.
It tells you how your Aura expresses itself, how you take in energy from the outside world, where you’re sensitive to taking in conditioning and limiting beliefs and patterns that are not you that can wreak havoc in your life.
It tells you how to operate as yourself, in your highest alignment.
It tells you how you can manifest and create your dream life.
How you can create success and abundance, and have harmonious relationships.
But, one of my favorite things about this system… is that it tells you how you’re meant to eat and digest food properly.
Through following this part of your design (called your Determination), you align with your ideal body type, optimal health, well-being, and ultimately, living in alignment with the rest of your design.
This part of your chart, called Determination, comes from the Primary Health System and the Variables (Arrows) in your chart.
You can learn what yours is through my chart calculator, here.
There are 12 different types of Determination/Digestion in the Human Design system.
When you pull up your chart, you will see that you are one of these twelve different options.
For example, it says Determination: Low
Or, Determination: Nervous
The meanings of these aren’t necessarily literal, and I’m going to describe each one briefly below.
But first, I want to preface by saying that there is much more to this than just following what the name of your Determination is and what it means.
It also matters what Gates and Channels you have in your Design, and what your Aura Type and Authority combination is.
As an example, someone who is an Emotional Generator is going to have a tendency to emotionally eat.
Which may be very incorrect, and harmful, for them if they’re not careful and aware of this tendency.
Generator types (and Manifesting Generators) tend to eat more when they use up their Sacral energy correctly. And need to feel good with what they’re eating, and how.
Projector and Reflector types probably eat best when alone, when they can have time and space to be focused on their food and eating process.
Manifestor types also probably prefer to eat alone, and like to have complete authority over what they’re eating, how, and when.
As with the rest of Human Design, this is an experiment. It requires a lot of trial and error, awareness, growth, and evolution to learn how to work with your Design and really how to live it out.
Because most of us are deeply conditioned to be what we are not.
And this whole journey requires an awareness of that, so you can let it go and become who you are meant to be.
Which takes time. Any change takes time.
As I’ve talked about, in various places (my vlogs, tiktoks, etc.), my personal journey of following my Determination took over a year to fully integrate.
And I’m still learning more and more about it and how to follow it correctly for myself.
All this to say, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all, and it certainly isn’t a quick fix.
Which is probably why it’s so hard to find this information for “free” on Google University.
This information, and Determination/Eating style in general, is extremely complex. And deeply depends on YOUR chart, and the many factors at play in your chart.
It is meant to be read holistically. Not in an isolated fashion.
Which is why my greatest mission in sharing this information, is to empower you with education.
So that you can learn how to read your chart holistically, as opposed to isolating and feeling like it doesn’t resonate.
AND! Determination just isn’t about food… but how your brain takes in information from your Environment.
Supporting yourself by eating the way you’re meant to according to your Determination, is also going to support the health of your brain and your body.
The top left arrow in your Human Design chart (where Determination comes from) can also tell you whether or not you are right-brained, vs. left-brained.
If the top left Variable of your Human Design goes right, you’re right-brained.
If the top left Variable of your Human Design goes left, you’re left-brained.
My e-book guide to all your Variables walks you through the meaning of being right-brained vs. left-brained.
There’s so much more to how you’re meant to eat and support your overall health and well-being, than just your Determination!
I couldn’t possibly go into it in this blog post alone, so I made an e-book guide to all your Variables.
Check them out if you’re interested in diving deeper into this for yourself. I promise it’s worth the time and energy to investigate!
Now, let’s get into the different Determinations.
This is just a brief overview of how to eat according to your Determination in Human Design.
Consecutive Determination - This is one of the toughest because you’re really only meant to eat one ingredient at a time. And it’s best for you to eat on a routine or schedule, it’s not good for you to fast or go long periods without eating. Try sitting down to eat with a plate of your favorite food items, making sure not to mix the foods together. Remember, one ingredient at a time is best.
Alternating Determination - Like consecutive determination, you’re really only meant to eat one ingredient at a time. You like flexibility with meals, it’s okay for you to fast and not eat consistently. You probably like to snack or graze a small amount at a time. Depending on your Aura Type, you may prefer to eat on the go and not have a routine or schedule around how and when you eat.
Closed Determination - These people are veryyyy selective eaters, often needing a repetitive menu of the same foods. I like to call these people pick-itarians, because they know what they like before they even try it and will stick to it. They do best eating intuitively, and seasonally. Can be flexible with when and how often they eat, fasting can be good.
Open Determination - Similar to closed determination, these people like routine meals and are selective eaters who know what they like and will stick to it once they find it. Fasting is not ideal for these people, they need to be eating routinely and on a schedule.
Hot Determination - These people need to eat foods that are at or above their body temperature because their digestion runs cold. Need lots of warm liquids in their diet as well. May also benefit from hot showers and/or hot climates. Fasting is not okay for these people, they need to eat consistently and routinely.
Cold Determination - These people need to eat foods that are below their body temperature because their digestion runs hot. Need lots of cool/cold liquids in their diet as well. May also benefit from cold showers and/or cold climates. Fasting is okay for these people, they need to eat intuitively and inconsistently.
Calm Determination - These people need to be able to determine the atmosphere in which they are eating. Eating alone or in quiet environments is best for these people. It can also be highly beneficial for these people to pick and prepare their own food. Fasting is not okay for these people, they need to eat consistently and routinely.
Nervous Determination - Similar to calm determination, these people need to be able to determine the environment in which they are eating. They need to have a lot of things going on around them while they're eating. In a busy place, initiating conversation, etc. It can also be highly beneficial for these people to pick and prepare their own food. Fasting is okay for these people, they need to eat intuitively and inconsistently, making sure they don’t overeat.
High Determination - These people do well to eat where this is a high volume of sound going on around them. Either listening to music, having the TV on, having conversations, etc. Not good for these people to fast or go long periods without eating. They need to eat on a schedule and routine.
Low Determination - These people do well to eat where this is a low volume of sound going on around them. If there’s too much sound or noise, these people may feel overstimulated and not be able to focus on eating/digesting their food. Okay for these people to fast and go long periods without eating, they may even eat less than a “normal” person and should not overeat.
Direct Determination - Needs to eat in direct light, and/or when the sun is up. Best for these people to be eating consistently and routinely throughout the day. Meant to go to bed on an empty stomach. It is not ideal for these people to fast or go long periods without eating. Probably will eat more in the summer and less in the winter,
Indirect Determination - Needs to eat in indirect light or while the sun is down/cloudy. Usually isn't hungry during the day… liquids only, or light foods like soup, salad, or fruit. If you eat a heavier meal during the day, in direct light, you'll probably get tired. You're meant to go to bed on a full stomach. It is okay for these people to fast and go long periods without eating. Probably will eat more in the winter and less in the summer.
Does your Determination resonate with you?
If not, it’s totally okay. It just means you’ve probably been conditioned to eat the way you have been, and your body has become used to it.
Experiment with living your Determination more and more, and I promise the results will surprise you!
They certainly did for me. My skin improved, my energy improved, even my physique and where I was holding weight improved.
AND, most importantly, my ability to connect with and use my Strategy and Authority improved.
It’s been a pretty cool process and I’m excited to share more with you, as I learn more on my own experiment and journey with this.
You can learn even more about Determination, and all your Human Design arrows in the Human Design Variables course.
Above I spoke to certain gates giving more insight into your eating style as well.
The gates that I were referring to are as follows:
Gates 42 & 53 (or the full channel): If you have these in your chart, you may have a special relationship, and need, to fats in your diet. As for all these recommendations, high quality whole foods sources are best (nuts over olive oil, avocado over avocado oil, etc.)
Gates 3 & 60 (or the full channel): If you have these in your chart, you may have a special relationship, and need, to sugar and carbohydrates in your diet (like bread, potatoes, fruit, etc.).
Gates 9 & 52 (or the full channel): If you have these in your chart, you may have a special relationship, and need, to have lots of protein in your diet. Either from plants like beans, legumes, etc. and/or poultry.
Gates 40 & 37 (or the full channel): If you have these in your chart, you may have a special relationship, and need, to eating red meat.
If you have the full channel (meaning both of the numbers are filled in, and not only one of the numbers is), you have a consistent need for that type of food in your diet.
If you do not have the full channel, and only have one of the gates mentioned, you may have an inconsistent need for that type of food in your diet. Sometimes it shows up more times than others.
All this comes back to eating intuitively and listening to your body for what it needs, when it tells you it needs it.
Coming from someone who was plant based vegan for over seven years, I understand this relationship with eating intuitively very well.
After about seven years of no meat, my body said, “I’m missing this, please give it to me!”
I have Gate 37 in my chart so, naturally, I have a special relationship with that type of food—red meat.
And since I have been incorporating it back into my diet, when I feel it need it and my body would benefit from it, it has helped tremendously.
I know this is a lot of information. So sit with it, try it out, see how it fits into your life. And, as always, use and trust your Inner Authority to guide you.
And, yet another factor to Determination, is your Cognition.
Your Cognition is going to tell you how you perceive information about something.
Learn more about your Human Design Variables/Arrows in the Human Design Variables course 👇
Or take just the Determination class from the Variables course 👉🏼
If you want to learn even more about Human Design and how to live your chart… Come join me in the AstroHD Membership.
My mission is to help you learn the modalities of Human Design and Astrology, and become your own Astrologer and Human Design Guide.
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. Consult your physician with any medical concerns you have.