Human Design is more than

just being a generator or manifestor (aka your type)

Human Design is a way to see into your true self, and discover who you really are

it's the mechanics of how you are designed, how you take in and give out energy, and how you're meant to make decisions.

there are 5 different types in HD: manifestor, generator, manifesting generator, projector and reflector

which, at the surface, doesn't seem like much diversity

yet, when looking at the charts of two different people of the same type, you can see two very different people, based on looking at much more than just the type

you can learn more about how to read your HD chart from a recent YouTube video i did

one of the most important things to be aware of in your chart, besides your type and authority, is your centers

what centers do you have defined or undefined/open?

this is going to make you aware of where you're taking in and amplifying energy from those around you

i walk you through alll the centers in my new book, The Cosmos Within You (link in bio). and give you tips on how to navigate your centers, whether open or undefined or defined

i have an undefined solar plexus (the center that represents emotions)

my whollleee life i have taken on the emotions of other people and amplified them, thinking they were mine... this has caused a lot of unnecessary turmoil in myself and escalated a lot of situations that could have been better resolved had i known those emotions i was feeling weren't even mine to begin with

awareness is key to understanding how you're meant to operate in life

and Human Design brings that awareness

what has learning about your HD helped you with?


let’s talk about business


when i first learned about Human Design, it didn't really click