if you don’t jump, you can’t fly


it thoroughly blows my mind how much has happened to me in the 27 years i’ve been on this planet

i’ve almost died a few times

i’ve moved twice as many times as my age

and questioned my sanity twice as many times as that 🤣

i’ve had over a dozen different jobs and streams of income at various points in time

i could go on…

point is, my life has been anything but “normal”

(whatever that means 😝)

i often wonder why it has had to be this way

why i’ve been pushed to every limit i’ve ever had, and past it

i’ve learned over and over again that if i don’t jump, i don’t get to learn to fly

if i had stayed stagnant and comfortable, i never would have gotten to live the life i’m living now

i wouldn’t be able to relate to the people i’m here to serve

and i never would have had the opportunity to transcend the beliefs and patterns that were holding me back unconsciously

to step into the true me and live out my purpose here

that’s what all this has taught me

that i can do ANYthing, and it all comes down to belief

and taking the action i feel called to, even if i’m scared

what leaps have you taken in your life? and what has that taught you? i’d love to hear your story


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how did i go from homeless to living my dream life in hawaii?