What Leo Season wants to bring you…
The Sun brings illumination and passion to a different area of your life with every sign it passes through.
It moves into the Fixed Fire sign of Leo on July 22.
You can bring this awareness to your chart by knowing what sign rules what House of your chart.
The Houses in Astrology represent your areas of life.
Below I will go into an overview of Leo season and a little horoscope for what this season wants to bring you based on your Rising sign (also called the Ascendant).
this coming Leo Season is vastly different than any previous Leo season we’ve had in the past 27 or so years, give or take a few.
why is this?
because Saturn is now in the Sister Sign of Leo, Aquarius.
that means Saturn will be opposing the Sun in Leo for about a week as the Sun transits through the sky and makes this connection to Saturn.
Saturn brings a sense of discipline and commitment.
with it being in the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius, its ruler, this brings an energy of innovation and of making much needed changes that align us with our authentic truth and our ability to own what’s unique about us.
this time not only calls for us to be steadfast in our authenticity, it calls for us to take action from that place with confidence and passion.
we’re learning what we need in order to be that best version of ourselves.
the past year and a half has really taught us what is needed in order to own who we are and express ourselves from that knowing.
the signs of Aquarius and Leo call for us to be honest with ourselves about who we are so that we can inspire others and contribute to the betterment of the collective as a whole.
with Uranus (the other ruler of Aquarius) also being in a Fixed sign, the changes that are taking place have us feeling a little uncomfortable and like we’re standing on shakey ground.
while this can be scary to our primal human brains, change is usually beneficial and for the best.
how can you embrace the changes that are taking place and allow your life to be shifted towards something greater than you could have imagined?
that is the energy this time is creating for us.
if you’re able to take advantage of it, this can lead you to a really amazing place of transformation.
you will be surprised by what can come in when you create space for it.
and that’s exactly what change does.
it reminds me a bit of the Tower card in Tarot… things have to be shaken up and crumble so that the new and improved can be built on a strong foundation.
below is a short horoscope of what this season will bring you based on your Rising sign.
for a more in-depth horoscope, check my YouTube channel where i have a Forecast for the Season for each sign.
Aries Rising/Sun ♈️
Leo Season is happening in your 5th House, the House of Leo, all things creativity, passion, and joy. this House also represents the Inner Child so you will be feeling a need to spend more time honoring yours. you may also feel the need to align yourself with more like-minded friends who actually see you for who you are and recognize your uniqueness. once you honor yourself, others can’t help but follow.
Taurus Rising/Sun ♉️
Leo Season is happening in your 4th House, the House of home, family, and your subconscious. during the 4 weeks that the Sun is in Leo, you will be feeling like something needs to change in your home life. these changes are directly correlated to your career and the way your allowing yourself to be seen in the public eye. you may be feeling called to move to a new location and establish your roots somewhere completely new.
Gemini Rising/Sun ♊️
Leo Season is illuminating your 3rd House, calling for you to take a serious look at your perception of yourself and how your thought patterns are playing into the reality you’ve been creating. how can you step outside yourself and see your life from an outside observer perspective? what belief systems do you see playing out in your life that don’t serve you any longer? this is a great time to take action towards shifting those to come into better harmony with your authentic truth.
Cancer Rising/Sun ♋️
Leo Season is illuminating your 2nd House, and is calling for you to adjust the stories you tell yourself around your worthiness. you may even feel called to change up your material possessions and do a little bit of spring cleaning. align with the items around you that truly make you feel comforted. your environment is very important to you so make sure it is one in which you feel supported in the person you’re growing into.
Leo Rising/Sun ♌️
Leo Season is illuminating your 1st House, asking you to look at the ways of being you want to embody and how that directly correlates to the way you’ve been showing up in your relationships. you will feel more magnetic during this time and what you attract to you will be amplified. remain consciously aware of the image you have of yourself and how you can truly embody your highest.
Virgo Rising/Sun ♍️
Leo Season is illuminating your 12th House, asking you to look at what you’ve been keeping hidden about yourself. which will most likely have to do with your intuitive gifts and/or psychic abilities. there might even be a bit of fear here to work through. cultivating discipline with a spiritual practice can help you strengthen your intuition and your belief in yourself at this time.
Libra Rising/Sun ♎️
Leo Season is illuminating your 11th House, calling for you to re-examine the people you have around you and how they are either helping you or hindering you in becoming the person you want to be. do the people around you support you in feeling seen for who you are? this is the question to ask yourself when thinking of those whom you choose to surround yourself with. it’s time to surround yourself with people who LIGHT YOU UP!
Scorpio Rising/Sun ♏️
Leo Season is illuminating your 10th House, and will have you feeling the spotlight in your career. make sure you’re not neglecting your home life as this transit is calling for you to create harmony here. you will feel magnetic to the public eye and like things are attracted to you effortlessly. make sure you’re aligning with things that actually serve your path and don’t get distracted by seemingly shiny objects or opportunities.
Sagittarius Rising/Sun ♐️
Leo Season is illuminating your 9th House, calling for you to take a serious look at your belief systems. you’ll most likely be feeling a travel bug at this time and want to explore new places and/or opportunities. allow yourself time to adventure as much as you can. those experiences will shape the way you perceive yourself and others. what do you want to learn during this time?
Capricorn Rising/Sun ♑️
Leo Season is illuminating your 8th House, causing you to take a good hard look at what fears you have that aren’t serving your highest good. it’s time to take a deep dive into your psyche and really clear out what’s been stagnant in there, holding you back from expansion or growth. this can feel like a death and rebirth process. allow yourself time to clear out emotions and grieve the old so that you can truly embody the new with ease.
Aquarius Rising/Sun ♒️
Leo Season is illuminating your 7th House and shining a spotlight on your relationship with others. what kind of relationships do you want to have in your life? how can you show up within those in the most authentic way? you’re realizing your ways of being that have clouded the way others see you, and the ways you think of and see yourself. now is the time to come back home to your truth and embrace your uniqueness, as it is who you are.
Pisces Rising/Sun ♓️
Leo Season is illuminating your 6th House, asking for you to look at the ways in which your daily habits play into the way you feel and your health/well-being. what routines support your feeling your best? establishing these and taking action towards them will not only benefit you and your health, but also the way you are showing up to serve others.