

Chiron, in Astrology, represents the Wounded Healer and making ourselves whole 💟⁣ ⁣

Chiron in Your Unique Chart is a great indicator into which area of life you have healing to do and benefit from ❇️⁣ ⁣

this healing, if chosen, will most likely result in a teaching of what wisdom is gained to others 🧩⁣ ⁣

Chiron placement can also indicate where you feel like an outsider or displaced, where you're most vulnerable, and how you try to carve your own path🏵⁣ ⁣

Chiron shows you how to embrace your differences and unique perspective on life⁣ ⁣

a deeper lesson within Chiron can be found in what House it resides💫⁣ ⁣

do you know where Chiron lies in Your Chart? let me know below ✍🏼💭⁣ ⁣

curious to learn more? Follow us on Instagram @understandingastrology so you don't miss a post! 👀 ⁣ ⁣

to learn more about your highest alignment, book a reading to go deeper and learn more about who you are meant to be in this life and how to overcome the things holding you back 🔮


Venus in Virgo


North Node