Fire Signs


Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius represent the fire signs of the Zodiac 🔥

Fire signs are passionate, intuitive, spontaneous, and inspiring 🧞‍♂️

they are here to light up the world and inspire others with their confidence, ability to initiate action, and their infectious passionate energy 💥

they have a natural ability to use their intuition and unique skillsets to manifest any ideas they have into reality. ✨

they are GREAT at starting projects, yet not always great at finishing them...

if you have a lot of Fire energy in your chart, i recommend finding some people who embody the Earth or Air element to surround yourself with and bring those brilliant ideas to completion.🌎

curious and want to learn more? Follow us on Instagram @understandingastrology so you don't miss a post! 👀

to learn more about your unique energies and elemental makeup, look up your chart to find out or book a reading to go deeper and learn more about who you are at a soul level. 🔮

are you or is anyone you know a Fire sign? i'd love to know how this resonates with you ✍🏼💭


Earth Signs


Venus in Virgo