Mercury in Scorpio


today Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio ♏️ ⁣ ⁣ Mercury is the planet of communication, learning, and the mind 💌 ⁣

Scorpio is the sign of passion, transformation, and all things occult, such as psychic gifts and all things "woo-woo" 🔮 ⁣ ⁣

with this transit the Collective is being asked to dive deep and transform the way we communicate and how we want to communicate moving forward 🗣⁣ ⁣

especially as it relates to your passion and the underworking of your mind 🧠 ⁣ ⁣

intensity isn’t a bad thing. feeling is required for healing 🌟⁣ ⁣

you can't hide from your Shadow, and Scorpio is teaching that lesson🌚⁣ ⁣

on October 13th, Mercury will go retrograde for about 3 weeks and temporarily transit back to the sign of Libra ♎️ ⁣ ⁣

until then, we will experience things being exposed, secrets coming to light, and learning to burn away our old identities so that we can form even better ones. we are being called to dive deep to expose the darkness we've kept hidden 🌓⁣ ⁣

it is only through darkness that we can truly see the light🌞⁣ ⁣

it is also a time of awakening our intuitive gifts and innate wisdom.⚡️⁣ ⁣

the deeper impact of this transit will depend on what House you have Scorpio in. 💥⁣ ⁣

book a reading to learn more about how this energy will be affecting you and learn tools to navigate through it with ease and grace 🔮⁣ ⁣

what House does Scorpio live in your Chart? let me know below 💭✍🏼 ⁣ ⁣

Your Unique Chart shows you the highest expression of yourself and what you can aspire to be, should you choose to 🌟⁣ ⁣

curious to learn more? Follow us on Instagram @understandingastrology so you don't miss a post! 👀


North Node

