

Saturn is the planet of restriction, karmic lessons, and structure 🛑

in Your Chart, Saturn is an indication into the lessons you're here to learn and overcome, the obstacles you may face on the way, and how you can structure your life in order to achieve fulfillment 🔆

it is also the way you show up for responsibilities to yourself and others, and the way you handle discipline and hard work.❇️

your deeper lesson with Saturn is dependent on which House it resides in Your Chart, and the planetary energies surrounding it.✨

scroll down to see how to find Saturn in Your Unique Chart 👇🏼

do you know what sign your Saturn is in? let me know in the comments ✍🏼💭

Your Unique Chart shows you the highest expression of yourself and what you can aspire to be, should you choose to 🌟

curious to learn more? Follow us on Instagram @understandingastrology so you don't miss a post! 👀

to learn more about your highest alignment, book a reading to go deeper and learn more about who you are meant to be in this life 🔮



