the Out of Bounds Moon
Let’s talk about a moon phase you’ve probably never heard of.
7 years into studying Astrology, this term was new to me as well.
Have you ever heard of an Out of Bounds Moon?
It wasn’t until I grabbed a copy of Steven Forrest’s “The Book of the Moon” that I learned of it.
Thank the cosmos I did! This is going to blow. your. mind…
What exactly IS the Out of Bounds Moon, you’re wondering?
An Out of Bounds Moon is when the declination of the Moon is more than 23 degrees and 28 minutes North or South.
Astronomically speaking, this is a phenomenon that happens when the Moon escapes the physical bounds of the ecliptic, as ruled by the Sun.
Looking at a planet’s declination will tell you how close to, or far away, it is from this span.
Declination tells us how far outside, or inside, a planet falls in relation to the celestial equator.
Other planets can be “out of bounds” as well, if their declination falls greater than 23º28’ North or South.
This makes more sense visually, see this picture below:
What does this mean, for you?
Well, when a planet goes out of bounds, it is no longer bound by the “normal rules” of the ecliptic. It has gone rogue, taken the rebel path, etc.
For the sake of this blog post we will be applying this phenomenon to the Moon.
Someone who has an OOB (out of bounds) Moon will exhibit these types of traits: spontaneous, liberated, independent, rebellious, zany, the archetypal outcast and bringer of great change through genius, passion, heresy, or all of the above.
These are people who go against the grain to enact a ripple affect of great change on our society.
They tend to reject social norms, and beat to the rhythm of their own drum.
Often feeling like they don’t fit in or belong with the rest of society.
This draws them to forge their own path, that usually leads to greatness and profound recognition.
Although, this can also express a dark side in people.. Especially if they have a predisposed tendency towards addiction and/or aggression.
Steven Forrest does a great job in his book of explaining this even further, with numerous examples of well-known individuals who broke ground for change.
These include: Albert Einstein, Amy Winehouse, Caitlyn Jenner, Amelia Earhart, Oprah Winfrey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rosa Parks, Willie Nelson, Jimmy Buffet, Shirley Temple, Billie Holiday, Al Gore, Kurt Cobain, Sigmund Freud, and many others.
The commonality between all these people is that they saw the world differently than most people… and they wanted to change it.
So, how do you know if you have this?
Easy, head to If you don’t have an account with them, you’ll have to enter your birth info to get your chart (‘Chart Drawing, Ascendant’ option).
Find the “PDF Additional Tables” button above your birth info, and look for declinations higher than 23º27’ North or South in the ‘Declination’ section.
If you resonate with being the type of person with an Out of Bounds Moon, but don’t seem to have it… there are a few other things you can look for.
Do you have any other planets that are out of bounds? (near or above 23º28’ declination)
Are any of your planets close to being out of bounds? (19º-22º declination)
You may have an out of bounds Moon in your progressed chart.
Your Unconscious Moon in Human Design (pulled from your Design Date data—your Unconscious Astrology chart).
There may be an Out of Bounds Moon currently in transit, and you will definitely feel the effects when that is the case! The Out of Bounds Moon transit can last anywhere from a day or two, to four or five days.
The Out of Bounds Moon will be happening A LOT over the next two years.
If you’re interested in learning more about this, I put together a guide to help. It includes ALL the 2024 dates for the OOB Moon, and how to apply it to your chart.
I dive even deeper into these concepts and how to find out for yourself in my AstroHD Membership.
Come join to learn more about this concept, and many others, while having the support of community. Plus, an intimate space to connect with me and ask questions about your chart!
Do you have an Out of Bounds Moon? Or any other planets? Embrace how this makes you different!! You are here to bring significant change to our world.