How to Make Money, based on your astrology
This is how you can use your astrology chart to know how you're meant to make money.
Here's a mini lesson in astrology.
This is the exact method that I teach my AstroHD students to be able to read anything about your chart or anyone else's.
First of all, Astrology is not overwhelming if you know the basics.
Once you know the foundation of the signs, the houses, and the planets, you can interpret anything about your chart or anyone else's super easily and I'm gonna show you how.
So, the second house…
By the way, everyone has all 12 houses, and all 12 signs, in the birth chart.
The second house is how you make money. It's your material possessions, how you cultivate resources and self sufficiency for yourself, how you create money.
When you know the meaning of all 12 signs, at a really foundational level, you can interpret this for yourself or anyone else.
A great place to get your chart is from my very own chart calculator, linked here. It defaults to the Whole Sign House system. If you prefer using Placidus to pull up your chart, scroll a little bit further down the page.
But, Whole Sign makes all the houses one sign in your chart, which makes it easier to interpret and understand for yourself. (I talk more about the different House systems, why they’re important, and why I recommend Whole Sign Houses in my ebook guide to Astrology.)
The most important thing you want to look at, as it relates to your second house and how to make money, is what sign is there.
The sign that is across from the number 2, is Scorpio. Therefore, this chart has Scorpio ruling the second house.
Scorpio has everything to do with the occult, the taboo, pursuing your passions with the utmost intensity, and releasing control, surrendering to the outcome.
(I’m using the software program Astro Gold for this)
So what sign rules your second house?
That is going to tell you how you can align with how you're meant to make money.
Virgo, by being of service. Leo, by being seen. Cancer, intuition. Women's studies. Gemini, communication. Speech. Storytelling.
You can read more about yours below.
You still have a sign there even if you don't have any planets.
That's the most important thing.
Do you have any planets in your 2nd House that you want to learn more about?
Get a custom Astrology report from my website!
It walks you through the basics of how to use your birth chart in order to make money and align with your life purpose.
Head to the chart calculator on my page, here, and look for the “Learn the Basics” report.
A cosmic guide to YOU!
Get your chart and look for this custom report to learn about your astrology birth chart.
Even if you don’t have planets there, there's no such thing as an “empty” house.
Even if you don't have any planets in that house, there's still a sign there.
AND you can use that sign to gather more information about that House (area of life).
For an example, if you have Leo ruling your 2nd House, and no planets there… where is your Sun sign? As that is the planet that rules Leo, it will tell you more about how to align with the highest expression of that area of life.
The ruling planets of the Houses, and where they are in your chart, influence your Houses too.
If you want to learn more, check out my ebook guide to Astrology and my Become an Astrologer course, to really learn how to practice all this and apply it to your chart.
So with the lens of how you make money, let’s start at the beginning and cover each Zodiac sign.
Aries ruling the second house. Aries is all about taking inspired action, being spontaneous, being brave, expressing your courage. To make the most money, it's gonna require action… inspired action for you to make money. Might also require some type of leadership like running a business, managing others, that kind of thing.
Taurus ruling the second house. Taurus, we know, is all about sensuality. It's ruled by Venus. Taurus loves nice things and luxury and things that are pleasurable to the senses. Good smells, good sights, good tastes, good sounds. Physical touch. This person will probably make money through physical labor or doing something that has to do with the senses. For pleasure or luxury.
Gemini ruling the second house. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is the planet of communication and the mental faculties. If your second house is ruled by Gemini, you'll make money through your communication skills, writing, speaking, bringing an air of comedy and curiosity to what you're doing, or helping people to shift their beliefs, their communication styles, their thought patterns.
Cancer ruling the second house. The sign of cancer is all about feeling and more specifically intuitive feeling, intuitive faculties, using your intuition to nurture, support, care for people. Creating spaces where people feel safe and feel seen to connect with their divine feminine and their feelings or helping people with intuition and spirituality. You may use food, homely things (like interior design), and/or healing arts and modalities to do this.
Leo ruling the second house. Leo is the sign of unconditional love and playfulness and having fun, as well as creativity and passion. So if Leo rules your second house, you need to be doing something that's creative, that you're passionate about, that you really just love to do. And that puts you in the spotlight because the attention is meant to be on you when it comes to how you're going to make money, sharing your unique gifts.
Virgo ruling the second house. You're here to be of service. You're here to help people heal through whatever brings you joy, to serve to people, to help people with, to give to others. Could be things having to do with wellness, with health, belief systems, sensuality… Whatever came to you first when I ask, “what do you love to share and be of service with and help others with?”
Libra ruling the second house. Libra represents beauty, our relationships. So anyone having Libra ruling the second house or wherever Libra rules in your chart, that area of life to thrive needs balance and harmony within your relationships with people. There has to be an equal exchange. If you're people pleasing, giving people too much of your time and not receiving enough in return, this area of your life, your money, or whatever area of life you have Libra ruling, Is going to suffer. These people also need beauty to create money, luxury, pleasure, things that feel good, look good. Creativity, maybe music, creating.
Scorpio ruling the second house. You need to be doing things that are taboo, occult, that are helping you and others to transform. Maybe something to do with psychology as well, like understanding how people work. A perfect example of this is me. I make money teaching astrology and human design. The occult. Spirituality. Helping people understand themselves through the lens of astrology and human design. Scorpio rules my second house.
Sagittarius ruling the second house. Teaching, probably teaching spirituality or something to do with spirituality, something to do with teaching from your experiential wisdom. Cultivating experiences is what is going to bring you money. Maybe even international travel or just traveling a lot to places outside of your home. Like a travel blogger or YouTube is a perfect example of this. But, it can be many things as Sagittarius is an incredibly multi-faceted sign.
Capricorn ruling the second house. You need to have your own business. It can help you to have a structure or plan to what you want to do and how you want to bring in money as well, and then releasing the rest to the universe. It could also be something to do with teaching intuition, teaching spirituality, as Capricorn is a really highly psychic sign. Follow your intuition for money making opportunities.
Aquarius ruling the second house. You're here to do something different and unique that's going to benefit humanity as a whole. It will be really innovative, really different. Something that no one's ever done before. Sharing your unique genius in a really innovative way. That's also, like I said, of benefit to the collective, benefit to humanity, maybe even through some sort of technology or revolutionary ideas. Like humanitarianism, starting a non-profit, etc. Helping people in some grand way, that is very different from the norm.
Pisces ruling the second house. You make money through creativity, music, food, writing, art. You're here to express your creative genius, maybe spirituality and healing modalities as well. You need to trust in miracles and follow your creativity. Release that starving artist energy and embrace making money for what you love to create and share. It’s what you’re meant to be doing.
What sign rules your second house? Share this blog post on social media and let me know!
Want to learn more about how to interpret this for others?
Come take the Become an Astrologer course. Inside is a lesson on how to use your Astrology to make money. Yep, it goes deeper. And this course will show you how 👇