are you meant to operate in Feminine or Masculine energy? Understand the Variables

Human Design is such a great tool for learning how you’re meant to operate through this life

you chose to be designed how you are for a reason

and aligning with that can create more harmony and flow in your life than you could have imagined

to learn if you’re meant to operate more in Masculine or Feminine energy, we look at the Variables in your chart

the Variables are the arrows found on either side of your Bodygraph

this is a super easy one to access for yourself

if your arrows are mostly pointing to the Right (R), then you are meant to operate more in the Feminine

the Feminine represents being, flow, and receiving energy. it is balancing and harmonizing. it is meant to be more passive and let things come to it

if your arrows are mostly pointing to the Left (L), then you are meant to operate more in the Masculine

the Masculine represents doing, taking action, and giving energy. it is stabilizing and supporting. it is meant to be more active and go after the things that it wants

if you have an even amount of both, you can take this a step further to access where in your chart you have each.

the Red Variables represent the Body, the Unconscious part of us

the Black Variables represent the Mind, the Conscious part of us

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you can see this chart has the balance of both.

so this person isn’t meant to be either/or… but in harmony with both in themselves and out in the world around them.

what do your Variables represent? let me know below! :)

learn more about the basics of Human Design (and Astrology) in my E-book 📖 the Cosmos Within You


Human Design is more than your Type


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