this is why some people don't "believe" in Astrology...

Astrology is a science. 'astro' meaning pertaining to the stars and the celestial bodies, aka the cosmos. 'ology' meaning the study of and branch of knowledge of something, generally a science (biology, cardiology, astrology etc.). Astrology is the study of the cosmos and how it relates to us humans here on Earth. it bridges the gap between the cosmos and our physical bodies. it involves geometry, astronomy, and quantum physics.

so, to make things clear, whether it's "believed in" or not, it still exists and is a science that can be used to gain wisdom and knowledge about ourselves from the viewpoint of the stars

it gets a bad rap because it gets summed up and generalized as "Aries are aggressive and Taurus are stubborn etc. etc." yes this can be true, but it's not an end all be all, one-size-fits-all, put me in a box kinda bullshit. that's not what Astrology is for. Astrology shows potential. we all have free will and can do whatever we please, think how we want, act how we want, regardless of what our birth chart tells us or says about us.

and honestly it is starting to get on my nerves more and more that most of the way i see people using Astrology are painting it this way, and i'm done staying silent about it.

Astrology cannot be generalized. there is MUCH MORE to this science than "the Full Moon in Aquarius means ______ for you"

a lot of people i see in the Astro community are using these tactics as clickbait, and a way to create hype and clout. i'm sick of it

yes, we can make these generalizations about the collective energy as a whole, but when it comes to the individual, absolutely not.

the reason we can't make generalized horoscopes about the Moons, or any transit really, is because they are affecting EACH OF US completely different, based on the energy of YOUR birth chart.

i'll give you an example...

the July Full Moon in Aquarius was at 1º (to understand the Degrees check out my recent blog post). in my chart, it made a trine to Venus at 3º Gemini. i became aware of where i needed to reevaluate feeling free within my relationships (9th house venus) to be in alignment with the future vision i have for myself as it relates to my ability to be creative and embody my authentic playful joyful self (5th house ruled by aquarius)

today's Full Moon in Aquarius was at 29º. it was conjunct Jupiter in Rx and, natally, squaring my Nodes as well as Pluto. it prompted me to transform my subconscious beliefs to take action towards my destiny in an authentic way. hence, making this post.

Full Moons have been chalked up to be a period of "letting go" and "manifesting". it's about so much MORE than that. yes, i've been guilty of spreading this myself. but it started to feel weird to me.. i started to question.. what is this about? what more is here? when we know better, we do better. Full Moons are a heightened time of illumination. it's forcing you to look at a part of yourself that has been hidden so that you can bring it to the surface and take action towards changing it. yes this means letting things go, and, yet, it's still WAY more complex than that. the full cycle lasts about 28 days. and it takes about 2 weeks for us to fully let whatever we've been made aware of GO and take action towards the new. which, happens around the New Moon when we're meant to set intentions and refocus ourselves after the release.

this is why it's part of my mission to educate you about Astrology, and to help you UNDERSTAND it so you can make these predictions for yourself without relying on someone else to do it for you.

that being said, if you're not there yet, i do offer a personalized Moon Horoscope based on your unique chart to see what this Moon is calling for you to take action towards and how this will be playing out the next 28 days. book yours at here (only doing a limited number so if it's not Sold Out, there are still some left)

much love to y'all and i hope this Full Moon was the kick in the ass you needed to discover your authenticity 😘


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