your heart is calling

this is for all of you out there that have a dream, but have been procrastinating it

maybe you feel like you just don't know how to start or where to put your focus..

maybe you feel overwhelmed by all the options, social media platforms, and places you could put your work so you just don't do anything at all

maybe you already have a business, but it's not doing as well as you want and you feel like you've met a wall you just don't know how to climb over

does any of this resonate with you?

i feel you, and i've been there

as a 1/3 profile in Human Design, i've literally done EVERYthing wrong at one point or another

those mistakes, taught me SO MUCH about how to successfully put myself and my work out there in a way that not only feels good, but is fun and easy

those mistakes taught me how to live in alignment with myself to find true success

and now i'm helping you do the same

if you've been feeling the call to follow your dreams, get paid for your gifts, create financial freedom, and in a way that's FUN and easy...

Get Paid For Your Gifts was literally created for YOU

i'll be guiding you through a process of how to get paid for sharing your gifts, with the guidance of your Astrology and Human Design

i'll be teaching you branding, marketing, how to identify which social media is best for you, how to write and create attention-capturing content, and more

this is a program designed for YOU, as an individual, based on your charts

i teach you how to live in alignment with who you are and what you're here to do so that it can be easy

check it out here to join the waitlist and get started towards creating your soul-aligned business

there's never been a better time to take action towards your dreams

the world needs you

your soul is calling you

listen 💕


aligning with your design in business


want a job doing what you love?