using your Human Design to grow and heal

the strategy and authority is where it all starts

this is your guidance system, your decision making process, and how you will align with the best opportunities for you based on your unique design

here are the strategies by type:

manifestor ✨ to inform and initiate (communicate before you act independently!)

generator/manifesting generator ✨ to respond (you’re here to do what you love but you gotta wait for the right timing)

projector ✨ to be recognized and invited (having recognition before you share your skills will empower


reflector ✨ to wait a lunar cycle (your energy shifts with the moon so wait a whole cycle to decide if something is in alignment for you)

here are the 7 authorities:

emotional ✨ wait for clarity through an emotional wave. do not do not do not make decisions in the moment. it’s okay to ask others to wait! if the opportunity isn’t still around once you reach clarity, it wasn’t meant for you

sacral ✨ check in with your gut/body response. does it feel expansive (meaning yes)? or do you feel resistance? (meaning no)

splenic ✨ listen to your intuitive hits. write them down or voice message them. it only speaks once and in the moment

lunar ✨ your environment plays a big role in your decisions and your energy. observing the transits and waiting a lunar cycle is key for aligning with consistency to what’s meant for you

mental ✨you are also sensitive to your environment and need to be in the correct place for your correct alignment. once in the right environment, your voice leads you to your correct decision making. talk aloud or voice record yourself

ego ✨ follow your desires, put yourself first. trust your voice in the moment because it’s truth!

self-projected ✨what makes you feel like you and brings you ease with self-expression? talking your decisions out to others can help you come to a conclusion. listen to what you say without thinking about it. your truth is in your voice!

do you know what yours is? how has following it helped you? let me know below!

learn more about what yours means for you, based on your type, here.


let me tell you a secret


here’s my process for manifesting ANYthing