here’s my process for manifesting ANYthing

the past few years have been HUGE testing grounds for me in terms of trusting, having faith, and surrender

thankfully, i also spent the last few years learning about my Astrology and Human Design.. both of which have hugely guided me on this journey

i’ve manifested a LOT… new living arrangements, multiple cars, a move to Hawaii, an amazing support system, and more

and most of it came from living the guidance ive found in my charts.

what i’ve learned is this ::

1. i can create, do, and have anything i want
2. following my strategy and authority in Human Design is KEY to my decision making process and getting in touch with my inner guidance system in order to align with the best people and opportunities for me
3. surrendering control and attachment to what i think is best for me allows even better than i could have created for myself to come in, and with the most ease i’ve ever experienced
4. having awareness of what’s not mine (the not-self, limiting beliefs, etc) is incredibly helpful in the surrender process. and a having practice like meditation, journaling, dance, etc. that helps me cultivate this awareness and peace of mind through it all
5. my mindset is only as good as my environment allows it to be. surrounding myself with the places and people and environment i need to thrive is of the utmost importance

it hasnt always been easy

and i still find myself in old thought patterns from time to time

but it has always been worth it

i’m grateful to have the ability to use Astrology and Human Design to guide me back to alignment and clarity when times get tough and i feel hopeless

it has literally changed my life. and it’s my passion to pay that forward

click here to book a session with me and learn how to find your highest alignment and manifest with ease 💗✌🏼✨


using your Human Design to grow and heal


have you been feeling the intense shifts in energy lately?