let’s talk about doubt…

and Gate 48 in Human Design

if you have Libra in your chart at all, you may have this gate

this gate brings a lesson of overcoming the fear of inadequacy

it's the little voice in the back of your head telling you that you can't do that thing because you don't know enough or have enough experience yet (especially if it has line 1 through it)

it's an annoying little voice lol

i have this gate on my Rising... which represents identity, sense of self, etc. this has been a theme of my life when i'm at my lowest points, this is what has kept me stuck in the past from truly embracing my talents and sharing them with the world in all the many ways i want to

(my unconscious Rising is Capricorn which can lend a tendency to be hard on myself and achieve achieve achieve, forgetting how much i've done already)

the lesson with this gate is to OVERCOME those fears and allow for space and stillness to listen to the intuitive hits and nudges that come through in the present moment

if you have a defined Spleen, it's important to write these hits down and take action towards them... as the energy doesn't last forever

let those fears gooooo and empower yourself! you're worth it

want to learn more about your chart? book a 1:1 session with me here! 💕 😘

or grab a copy of my e-book, The Cosmos Within You


how do you know your life purpose?


this is why growth and transformation is so hard