how do you know your life purpose?

i've been reflecting a lot lately on how far i've come

i had a spiritual awakening about 8 years ago when i dropped out of college and moved 1500 miles away from home

i was lost, confused, suicidal, and not sure what i was going to do with my life

i was angry at the education system that had failed me

i was angry that the way i was raised had failed me

my soul craved something new and different

at the time, i didn't know what this was

so i took a cushy job at my favorite grocery store and worked my way up in management there

until i reached that point, once again, where i was fed up and miserable

i kept asking, "why is this my life? why can't i just be normal and be successful by doing things like other people do?"

it was around this time that i learned about my Human Design and Astrology

and my whole perspective changed

i realized that's how i'm meant to be, different

i learned i'm a manifesting generator and i'm meant to be multi-faceted and multi-passionate

i learned that i have 4 planets in aquarius on my unconscious side and that i'm meant to be unique and share my eccentricity and brilliance with the world

i learned that everything that's happened to me was for a reason, and all added up to get me where i am now

it gave me hope. it helped me find acceptance. and to know that i'm right where i'm meant to be, doing what i'm meant to be doing

so i started to share this information with everyone around me

and soon enough, i built a business out of it

that's how i started doing what i do today, helping others align with their life purpose through human design and astrology

and why i'm so passionate about paying it forward

knowing and understanding my self at a deeper level has literally changed my life, and my whole perspective on it

if you want to understand your human design and astrology, get your Human Design chart here. download a custom report to learn all about it! 💜


you're meant to be who you ARE


let’s talk about doubt…