Life is very different than it used to be

as a collective we’ve gone through a whole lot of changes in the past 250 years

since Uranus was discovered in 1781, the innovations we’ve experienced, on an individual and collective level, are immense

especially when it comes to life purpose and career

for hundreds of years, people mostly did what their parents did

they lived in the same towns, rarely leaving far outside of it

travel was hard, and dangerous

access to education wasn’t as easily available

so mostly people ended up living very similar lives as the generations before them

they didn’t have as many options as we do today

what college will you go to?

what state/country will you move to?

what job will you have? what career will you pursue??

where will you travel to/vacation to?

in a lot of ways, our paths today are still somewhat made to be generalized or chosen for us (usually before we’re ready)

sure some people know what they wanna be from an early age, and pursue it

but most people don’t

and i fell into that category

i still do

when i learned i was a Manifesting Generator, all of a sudden it all made sense to me

why i could never stick to “one thing”

why i’ve always been multi-passionate

why i never really knew what i wanted to “do with my life”

because that’s not how i'm meant to go through life

and most of us don't fall into that category either

you see, you are here with a very unique purpose

and no one can tell you what that is, based on past experience, because it probably hasn't existed yet

at least not in the way that you're meant to do it

this is what knowing your Human Design and Astrology can help with

to truly know why you're here, your purpose, and how it will evolve through the course of your life

i like to say that Astrology is your soul's roadmap, and Human Design is your compass

together, they make up your Cosmic Blueprint

get a copy of yours, plus intuitive insight from Kelsey, here

or book a full reading here 💕


Outlander Astrology :: the Synastry of Claire and Jamie Fraser


a little tip about your Human Design Environment