a message for Fixed Signs


if your Sun sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius you are a Fixed sign

or if you have a lot of those signs in your chart, this energy will be strong for you as well.

Fixed Signs are known for being opinionated and stubborn. it’s easy for them to get stuck in their ways/beliefs

this is because Fixed Signs are meant to hold down the season they’re in and see it through to completion

Taurus - spring, Leo - summer, Scorpio - fall, Aquarius - winter

if you have these energies in your chart, this message is for you.

lately, i’ve found myself missing so much of what i used to have…

as a Fixed Earth sign (Taurus), i like to be comfortable and have all my favorite things around me before i feel stable in my creativity.

Fixed energy is meant to sustain.

and i feel like so much of my life is unclear and uncertain i can’t sustain anything.

which has led to sooo many existential crises lately i’m honestly so tired of it.

can you relate?

it’s crucial right now to practice self-care and rest when you feel you need it

this year and next will be tough for Fixed signs, and those with lots of Fixed energy, because of how much is changing and the friction being caused by so many planets being in Fixed signs right now.

if you’re feeling this you’re not alone

it’s important to remember that everything is temporary and, eventually, everything comes to an end

reflect on the ways in which you feel most comfortable and supported

how can you support yourself with those ways/habits now?

how can you be grateful for what you currently have right now and all the ways that it’s serving you?

this is how you find peace with where you are, and acceptance during tumultuous times

book a reading to go deeper into how the current planetary transits are affecting you and how you can best support yourself through it


Planetary Update for the weekend of 1.23.21


going through phases…