Planetary Update for the weekend of 1.23.21


have you been feeling lost or overwhelmed lately?

like you see the things that you want to change but you don’t know how to go about it or where to start?

you’re not alone.

the planetary energy of this week (and, i gotta be honest, until the first of March) is intense.

we had the Moon joining Mars and Uranus and therefore squaring the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction where the Sun recently joined too.

this is calling for us to shed light on the subconscious beliefs we hadn’t fully been aware of before.

it’s important this weekend to be aware of where you feel in your life you need more structure.

do you need to schedule time for self-care and rest so that you stick to it?

do you need to reevaluate how you spend your time?

do you need to fully shed toxic habits and replace them with better ones?

as the Sun joins with Saturn, we will be able to fully see what this transit has in store for us the next 2-3 years.

look to where you have Aquarius in your chart for the area of life that will be affected by this energy.

this weekend we may be feeling like change is happening too slowly.

and the changes we see ourselves needing to make may feel insurmountable.

because of the past experiences that were grown from (or not) during 2020, we are fully seeing the weight of all that has affected us and the slow and steady action we need to take in order to bring it into fruition.

where in your life do you need to slow down so that you can better implement the changes you want to make?

be prepared this weekend for emotions to come up suddenly and unexpectedly… these are meant to be looked at and cleared.

through fog, clarity is found.

energy is transforming rapidly now and the adjustment period calls for growing pains.

we are starting to see the formation of change happening.

trust that there is SO much going on behind the scenes that hasn’t been revealed yet.

and it may be awhile before it is.

the big theme of right now is trust and surrender.

those of us in tune with this changing energy are more susceptible to noticing the shifts taking place, even if we don’t see them.

this is happening to cultivate a greater sense of awareness and consciousness.

remember to take care of yourself, do things for you. rest and take it easy if you need to.

this isn’t a time to “be productive”

it’s a time to energetically prepare for what’s to come.


Finding Your Astrology Houses


a message for Fixed Signs