What the &!$% is going on?! Retrograde Season

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right now as i’m writing this, we are entering a Retrograde (Rx) season

this means a lot of planets are going into Retrograde…

what does it mean for a planet to be in Retrograde?

  • it appears to be moving backwards from our view from earth

  • this reverses the energy of the planet and causes it’s energy to have more of an inward, subjective focus

Retrograde planets in your chart give insight into your past lives

  • and where big lessons will be learned for you that you will transform into gifts

  • it can also mean that you experience an easier Retrograde period depending on the planets you have in Rx

    • it’s like you feel more at home as this energy is familiar and you have dealt with it your whole life

Retrograde planets in the sky, aka transits, give insight into how this will affect the collective, and you as an individual

  • they cause our attention to be shifted inward to be able to reflect and integrate changes based on what we learn through the lessons they come to teach us

  • they ask us to slow down so that we can actually have the space and time to reflect and integrate what we’re learning

the planets currently in Retrograde are:

  • Pluto started April 27 in Capricorn (and will go direct October 6)

    • calling for us to transform any rigid systems or structures that don’t serve us anymore

    • what is calling for you to feel deeply in order to be released?

      • this is probably related to trauma or childhood wounds

  • Saturn started May 23 in Aquarius (and will go direct October 11)

    • this is prompting us to reflect on what innovations need to be made to any ideas we’ve had, especially business ventures, and how those will impact the collective

    • Saturn comes to teach us lessons and usually in a hard or tough way that we were avoiding otherwise

    • during this time we need to remember to zoom out and see things from a different and more expansive perspective

  • Mercury started May 29 in Gemini (and will go direct June 22)

    • causing the normal communication disruptions, delays, and technology issues

    • since Mercury is in it’s home sign of Gemini, this is all amplified and the energy of all these things will feel more intense

    • it’s so important during this time to slow down and take your time with things as there may be unexpected delays or changes to plans/contracts/etc.

    • this could cause a lot of overthinking and anxiety so make sure to have grounding practices that keep you present and able to detach from racing thoughts

the planets going Retrograde soon are:

  • Jupiter starts June 20 in Pisces (and will go direct October 18)

  • Neptune starts June 25 in Pisces (and will go direct December 10)

more on these transits coming soon!

Journal Prompts to Reflect On at this time:

  • what past patterns are coming up that need your attention and shifting?

  • what is calling your attention right now? and how can you honor it?

  • what small steps can you take right now to align with your higher vision and the bigger picture of your life?

How are you feeling during this Rx Season? let me know below!

big thanks to my friends Krystle (journeythroughhd.com), Leah (design-with-leah.square.site), and Andrew for the inspiration in this post that came from a Clubhouse room we did together :)

Are you on Clubhouse? follow me @understandastro. follow our club Human Design + Astrology


Retrograde Season is on!


the Next Era of Pluto