the Next Era of Pluto

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Pluto just went Retrograde and will be at 26 degrees Capricorn until June 30th…

why is this important?

Pluto is the slowest moving planet, so the degree it in at really matters in learning how it will affect us while it’s in that degree.

26 degrees represents the sign of Taurus, and all the archetypes that come along with that.

we just left Taurus season when the Sun moved into Gemini on the 21 of May

what lessons did Taurus season bring you?

did you learn how to be more grounded?

more hard-working? more determined or steadfast in what you’re doing?

did you learn to be more patient and slow down a little?

take care and nourish yourself more?

Pluto is calling for a transformation of your embodiment and that you integrate these things you’ve learned into some sort of practice for yourself that has structure to it (Capricorn)

it’s time to celebrate all you’ve been through

and celebrate your success, even if it isn’t the exact success you were expecting

you’ve come so far these past few weeks, months, and years.

it’s time to slow down and enjoy yourself a bit more.

you’ve put in a lot of work on yourself that’s been calling things to do you.

isn’t the whole point of all this to be able to enjoy it?

find more stillness and peace in your day to day moments, you’ve earned it

how are you feeling during this time and transition?

Pluto will be doing some profound things the next couple years.

stay tuned to be updated through the phases.

if you’re seeking clarity or guidance, i would be honored to support you during this time. book a reading to take this energy deeper and learn how it’ll be affecting you now, what you need to be supported, and what’s ahead for you to look forward to.


What the &!$% is going on?! Retrograde Season


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