Unlocking Your Human Design: The Top Books You Need to Read to Understand Your Unique Blueprint

i get a lot of questions about what Human Design books i recommend for those of you who want to learn the system

and honestly, it depends on your level of knowledge about it

if you’re SUPER new, i highly recommend my e-book, The Cosmos Within You

it walks you through all the basics and how to learn the language of Human Design, which is important and a crucial part of really knowing this system

i created my e-books with simplicity in mind, while still retaining the foundational concepts of the system as Ra Uru Hu channeled/designed it

for those of you who don’t know, Ra Uru Hu is the founder of Human Design

he heard a “Voice” that wouldn’t leave him alone and spent 8 days channeling the whole system with guidance from this Voice

the only other book i recommend, that’s not mine, is created by Ra Uru Hu and retains his channeled information about the system

this is the book pictured above, which you can purchase here

the reason i don’t recommend any other books, especially if you’re new, is because everyone has their own interpretation of his teachings

i learned straight from him, his books, his dissertations, his talks, etc.

because i really believe that the best way to learn anything, is to start from the source

anyone who’s recreated his book has a filter on the information that can be kind of confusing

which is the total opposite of the point of this system… the point is to learn it so that it can be applied to your life and you can actually use it to better your life

some people i’ve seen who teach HD even have completely different names for types, the profiles, etc.

which is also super confusing

not the point

if you really want to learn and understand this system, that’s the process i recommend

and, of course, applying the information to yourself and the people around you

that is mostly how i learned Human Design, and how i still to this day learn more about the system…

is through taking what i learn and seeing how it fits the person whose chart it applies to

if you want to learn more from me, i have also created a simple and thorough guide to the Human Design Variables (the arrows) you can purchase here

if you want to take this knowledge even deeper, i recommend seeing if my online classes and trainings would be a good fit for you

for the basics and simple information, i created the AstroHD Membership

for the deeper stuff and to learn how to become your own human design guide, i created the Astrology and Human Design School


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