Manifest Your Dreams with Lunar Power: A Step-by-Step Guide to Harnessing the Moon Cycles for Manifestation

in ancient Astrology, the moon was one of the most exalted placements

known for it’s power of manifestation and mysticism

in modern Astrology, it seems we’re all starting to learn that more and more

each Moon phase represents a different energy in the growth and evolution process

i see Astrology, and Human Design, as a way to evolve into your highest potential

and overcome the patterns and beliefs hindering you from becoming your true self

working with the cycles of the Moon, gives us a great chance to be able to do that

New Moons represent times of beginnings, of setting intentions, planting seeds, starting a new cycle in the area of life that it falls for you

this depends on your unique chart structure, your rising sign, and what signs you have ruling your houses

for example, during a New Moon in Gemini… someone with a Gemini rising is going to have a different focus than someone with an Aquarius rising

it all depends on your Houses

as well as the other planets in your chart that the moon is impacting

Full Moons represent culmination, manifestation, completion of a cycle, closure, letting go

they end 6 month cycles, that begin with the New Moon in that same sign, usually about 6 months earlier

when you know how these phases impact you on a personal level, you suddenly have the tools and awareness you need to make the most of it for you

and this is how you can use the phases and cycles of the Moon to manifest your highest potential and alignment

that is unique to you, your life journey, and your purpose

Astrology, and all of life really, is all about timing

knowing when is the best time for you to manifest certain things in different areas of your life, using the Moon Cycles, gives you the highest chance of success and fulfillment. paired with ease and grace

here are some ways to find out how each Moon Cycle impacts you and your chart, so you can make the most of it

  1. check the sign of the upcoming moon cycle (ex, Gemini, Libra, etc)

  2. now find where in your chart you have that sign (the house it rules for you)

    1. even if you don’t have a planet in that sign, it still impacts you and is important to figure out

    2. if you need some help, check out my e-book The Cosmos Within You to walk you through identifying these parts of your chart

  3. the House that particular sign is in, is the area of life that will be impacted for you and where you will feel this energy the most

    1. ex: 4th house is home/family. so if the upcoming new moon is in gemini and you have gemini in your 4th house, that’s the area of life it will show up

    2. **note that using the Whole Sign house system makes this easier to read, understand, and interpret**

  4. now look to see if you have any placements in your chart in that same sign, element, or mode

    1. ex: new moon in gemini, you’d look for placements you have in gemini (same sign), libra or aquarius (same element), or sagittarius, virgo, or pisces (same mode)

  5. placements in the same sign will be amplified, placements in the same element will be harmonized, and placements in the same mode will cause friction or challenge

  6. you can take that even further to see what houses those other placements are in and the areas of life that energy will show up as well

  7. and, the last step, you want to see what other transits are occurring around that time and how they will be impacting your chart too. as these will add to the energy of what that moon cycle will be bringing up for you to reflect on and grow from

if you want a visual and step-by-step process of how to do this for your chart, check out my Moon Cycle Workshop in the AstroHD Membership portal

i have a video walkthrough of how to apply the transits of each Moon Phase to your charts, Astrology and Human Design

members get it free! check it out here


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