things are changing…


i can feel it coming in the air tonight… *cue the Lion King Soundtrack

with Saturn now at 29 degrees Capricorn, and Jupiter close behind at 28 degrees, we are experiencing the pre-energy of a Greater Awakening.

can you feel it?

it feels like confusion.

it feels like being lost.

it feels like a discord between what we feel to be true, and what we can see with our eyes.

it can feel exhausting, and a lot of you may be catching colds so that you can give your body the rest it needs to prepare for these changes.

it feels like a final purge and clearing of the Old, so that we can make room for the New.

we are building a New Earth.

that is what the Age of Aquarius is all about…

and on December 21, when Saturn and Jupiter meet in the sign of Aquarius, it begins.

this may not look all sunshine and rainbows at first.

in fact, it’s highly likely that it will look like an all out shit-show.

the divide between light and dark will become more pronounced and obvious.

we will feel an energetic and physical pull towards the 5th Dimension.

truths will be revealed, and a lot of people will be upset and downright pissed off.

but, if you choose to have faith in the greater good, this anger will not be able to touch you in the way it will be touching others.

stay strong in your vision for the future.

the highest vision you can possibly imagine.

the Divine is guiding you, if you’re willing to allow it.

everything that is happening is happening for YOUR highest good and evolution.

in the coming years, manifestations will increase in quantity and speed.

it will become evident that our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings are our SUPERPOWERS.

and that we all have the ability to create whatever we want, by just focusing on it and believing it will happen in divine timing.

this is your call to awaken to your power.

and to embrace the gifts you’re here to share.

to not let fear hold you back anymore.

with the Divine guiding you, anything is possible.

choose to have faith in this.

and you will become aligned with your greatest potential and highest path.

choose love over fear.

choose community over isolation.

choose your highest vision over what you currently see in your reality.

you are the co-creator of your life and this New Earth we are here to build.

will you choose to own your power and take inspired action towards it?

only you can decide.

join me in the AstroHD Membership to learn more about what the Pluto in Aquarius transit has in store.


2021 - the Astrology supports you (+ horoscopes!)