2021 - the Astrology supports you (+ horoscopes!)


i am SO STOKED for this year

January has already been (and will continue to be) a month of getting your shit together

with the prevalent mixture of Earth and Air energy, we are being asked to create structure so that we can expand

think of it like a tree…

a tree needs to have roots before it can grow outward

we are the same

this time is calling for you to create structure where you haven’t so that you can stay focused and aligned with your higher vision and mission

2020 was very much the ending of an era

a 200 year cycle of Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions in Earth signs came to an end

and, in 2021, began a new cycle of Saturn/Jupiter conjunctions in Air signs starting with Aquarius

it’s time to do things differently, and for good

this transition from predominantly Earth energy to Air energy is calling us higher to embody the energy of Air

Air energy is dynamic, fluid, adaptable, tied to higher intelligence and all things technology

this is very much a shift for our society out of the old ways of being, into new ways of being

the Astrology of this time literally supports you in your growth and evolution into higher forms of being and consciousness

and right now, with the Sun, Pluto, and Venus in the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn, it is the PERFECT time to initiate action on the new way of being you're calling in

the energy of this time (and through the New Moon on 1/12) supports you getting clear and focused on this vision so that you can create the structure you need to call it in with consistency and sustainability.

so how will this be affecting you on a personal level?

consult your chart to find your rising sign and your corresponding horoscope below…

Aries Rising/Sun ♈️
2021 will bring you new connections, new community, and a new approach to technology. you’ll be made aware of how the connections you currently have or don’t have are affecting the way you show up and present yourself to the world. what kind of people do you want to surround yourself with? you are the product of the 5 people you spend the most time around, so choose wisely. surround yourself with those who empower you and inspire you to rise into your own power and to share your unique gifts with the world.

Taurus Rising/Sun ♉️
2021 is the year your career expands. but first, comes structure. like the roots of a tree… you need to have a solid foundation in your habits as they relate to your career, in order to fully expand into it. what kind of habits or routine do you need in order to feel fully grounded in what you’re doing? it is from this place that creativity and inspiration shine. create this for yourself, within yourself, and you will start to see a greater alignment with your purpose and mission here on this planet at this time.

Gemini Rising/Sun ♊️
2021 will be a year of learning and self-discovery. with Jupiter transiting through it’s Native House, this energy is amplified. Jupiter represents higher education, self-exploration, and expansion. you are being called to expand into the version of yourself you’ve been cultivating for years, even ages. what type of learning lights you up? create structure around that to reinforce to yourself that you are in control of your power, inspiration, and motivation. dedicate yourself to learning about YOU and the ways you feel expanded in who you’re being. you may be feeling called to adventure more or to pursue a new area of learning. experience is the greatest teacher, allow yourself to answer any calls you feel as long as you know you have something to learn from it.

Cancer Rising/Sun ♋️
2021 is calling you to dive deep into your intimate relationships and resources shared with others. this includes debts, taxes, inheritances. you’re being called to get serious and create structure around these things so that they do not continue to show up in the ways they have been. this will feel like a very intense and emotional transformation. i promise it is happening for your highest good, in order for you to expand in this area of your life into something new that serves you and those around you better than it has in the past.

Leo Rising/Sun ♌️
2021 is a year for you to take a good hard look at your relationships. how have the relationships of your past served you? how is that showing up currently in your relationships? or how is it not? what kind of structure or boundaries need to be in place in order to have your needs supported within relationships? setting clear boundaries now will enable you to expand in your relationships in the future. sometimes we need to learn hard lessons now so that we can do better in the future. when we know better, we do better. practice compassion and grace for yourself and relationships during this time. it won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it.

Virgo Rising/Sun ♍️
2021 is a year to start sharing your gifts with the world in order to be of service. but first, what routines or habits do you need to create within your wellness/health to feel like you can fully give? you can’t pour from an empty cup. this time is asking you to focus on and create structure around the things you need to full up your own cup. it is from this place, with a full cup, that you can truly be of service from a selfless place. it will be easy to flow and expand into your work life once you have cultivated the balance of caring for yourself first.

Libra Rising/Sun ♎️
2021 is calling you to create structure around your creativity, romance, and play. how can you create a routine for yourself in order to feel grounded no matter your external circumstances? this is the key to unlocking your creativity and fun-loving nature. you don’t need to rely on anything external in order to tap into this side of you. you already have it within yourself, and all you need to do is get out of your own way. what makes you feel safe to open up? what makes you feel inspired to be creative? embrace those things and the rest will flow with ease.

Scorpio Rising/Sun ♏️
2021 is a year for you to look deeply into your home life. what isn’t serving you about your home? how can you change it up in order to feel more expansive and able to care for yourself? our home is our foundation. if you don’t currently feel solid or secure or safe in it, it’s time to change. what innovation can you bring to your home to feel more grounded there? this may look like a big move, a change of housemates, or just a redecoration. embrace whatever it may be for you because it is aligning you with your highest.

Sagittarius Rising/Sun ♐️
2021 is calling you to create structure and organization within your mind and your communication. you may have been feeling disorganized or scattered or like your thoughts are suddenly really loud. this is showing you where you need to pivot in this area. what do you need in order to feel more organized? when we organize our life, we organize our mind, which in turn opens us up for new because we suddenly have the space for it. this allows ideas and communication to flow more freely without blockages. if you feel overwhelmed by this, take it one step at a time and don’t be afraid to go slower than normal. you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that started it so try and think outside the box.

Capricorn Rising/Sun ♑️
2021 will bring you structure and expansion within your personal finances. if you haven’t been organized with money or been managing it well, now is the time to start. how can you create an ideal budget for yourself? and a dream budget, because expansion here is key. when you can dream higher for yourself, you open yourself up to new possibilities that wouldn’t have otherwise been available to you. you will also be triggered in your self-worth and asked to really look at how you value yourself and what you bring to the world. again, this is only coming up so that you can expand into higher and dream bigger for yourself than what you currently may have.

Aquarius Rising/Sun ♒️
2021 is calling you to examine your current ways of being. how do you view yourself? how does the person you present yourself as align with who you really are? how can you show up truly and authentically and let your true colors shine no matter your audience? your being asked to expand into a higher vision for yourself in order to show up in the world in a new, bigger, and innovative way. this time won’t be easy but it will bring intense transformation and expansion as you learn these lessons and how you can embody a better version of yourself, the one you truly are underneath old patterns/beliefs/conditioning. you choose who you are, your experiences do not define you if you don’t let them.

Pisces Rising/Sun ♓️
2021 will be a year of endings, especially of the karmic variety. you may be feeling called to work with plant medicine in order to ascend your conditioning. this is vital to your expansion as you cannot truly change unless you rid yourself of the old that no longer serves you. the human condition is being imperfect and operating from the past, but as long as you’re aware of this, it doesn’t own or control you. you control you, and you have the power to take your life into your own hands and choose a new path for yourself. you may find yourself being called to do ancestral healing or work with a shaman to learn about your past lives and release any karmic energy carrying over. this time will expand you into your spirituality, embrace it and all will flow.

how are you feeling during this time? and what are you calling in for 2021?

let me know below!

sending love,


The Importance of Knowing your Midheaven in Astrology


things are changing…