THIS is bigger than Saturn Return

There's a much bigger transit at play, usually before Your Saturn Return, but no one seems to be talking about it...

This transit is called your Pluto Sextile. 

I just ended mine, so I can speak to it real well.

The sextile aspect is harmony through action.

An opportunity that requires inspired action and awareness, in order to harness the power of the potential in this aspect. 

With Pluto, we're talking about the release of fear and control, transformation, rebirth, as well as aligning with your wealth. 

Pluto asks: What is your truth? And how can you transform yourself and your life to align with that truth? And ultimately, with the wealth and the abundance potential that's meant for YOU.

This is a MAJOR transit because it only happens ONCE in your life, and if you really make the most of this transit, your life will never be the same.

For me, this transit happened in my 2ND HOUSE. I've talked about this a lot in my various videos on TikTok... I often talk about how to make money using your astrology and human design.

The 2nd House RULES YOUR MONEY, so for me, I've been going through a lot of transformation in terms of money. As well as my home and family life (4th HOUSE, where Pluto currently is for me). This sextile is happening between my 2nd and 4th houses.

Those houses are deeply connected for me during this transit. 

This has been going on for me the last two years. 

I started out 2022 being homeless, living out of a car with almost no money to my name...

Then the transit peaked for me in February 2022 (it was exact), and that's when things really started picking up in my business, due to TikTok (I love my TikTok fam). 

I secured a home, and this transit peaked again in April of 2022 when I moved into my first apartment that had been completely my own.

I furnished it and everything, becoming self-sufficient (second house). 

I have North Node in the second house, so it's my destiny to be self-sufficient and independent, along with making my own money and wealth. 

During this transit, I witnessed this all come to fruition. 

It hasn't been easy. 

Honestly, it's been quite challenging…

But I've had to do a lot of personal growth and transformation internally (I also have Pluto in retrograde). 

It’s been so worth it, even though it's felt like having a mini Saturn return. 

If you have Pluto in Scorpio around the 27th° then you are probably experiencing this all year, as well.

It can help even more to look at where the rulers of these houses are in your chart...

So for me, my second house is ruled by Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto and Mars. 

I have MARS in the 7th HOUSE of relationships. My relationships have been going through such a transformation as well.

I've noticed that when I'm aligned with people that aren't meant for me, or aren't in alignment with the movement I am creating for myself, then my money stops flowing. 

I could say so much more about this… But, that’s all for now.

Do you want to learn more about how to read your chart? 

I have in-depth e-books that will cover EVERYTHING you need to know to get started, integrate and even feel confident enough to offer readings for your friends and family!

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