Uncovering the Truth: What is Human Design and is it a Valid Science?

Neutrinos 😇

Did you know human design goes this deep? 😂

Human Design is a new-ish approach to understanding your personality and behavior, drawing on a range of spiritual and scientific traditions to create a unique system of self-knowledge.

But is it really a science, or simply another form of Astrology or spirituality?

At its core, Human Design provides you with a detailed and accurate understanding of your unique strengths, weaknesses, and potentials.

Human Design incorporates the ancient modalities of Astrology, the I-Ching, the Chakra System, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

It also incorporates the modern sciences of genetics, physics, biochemistry, astronomy, and quantum mechanics.

So, how is Human Design a science?

The answer is pretty complicated.

The origins of the information that Human Design gives you, is rooted in our understanding of atoms, and their affect on us.

Everything that has mass, including subatomic particles, carries information.

Neutrinos are subatomic particles that stream through space, and pass through every square inch of our planet constantly. 3 trillion per second, to be exact.

70% of neutrinos come from the sun, the remaining 30% from other stars in our galaxy and a small amount from the planet Jupiter.

Since neutrinos have mass, they carry information. 

This information determines your energetic makeup, just like how much sun a plant receives determines the health of that plant.

The neutrinos you are imprinted with at birth determine your human design and astrology chart placements. 

We determine this by calculating the position of the planets (astronomy/astrology) at the time of your birth, as certain constellations exchange specific energy/information via neutrinos.

The zodiac belt (a measurable place in space that planets pass through, from our observation here on earth) is an imprinting field, that when a planet passes through, information is exchanged via the neutrino stream.

There are 64 different overarching qualities of information, each with 6 sub-qualities.

Creating a total of 384 demarcations of possible information exchange.

These 64 qualities are called hexagrams or gates, and the 6 sub-qualities of each are called Lines.

The zodiac belt is 360 degrees, each zodiac encompasses 30 degrees, meaning each of the 64 qualities covers a space/time of 5 degrees, 37 minutes, and 30 seconds of arc. 

I break down which Zodiac signs cover each of the 64 hexagrams/gates in my e-book, The Cosmos Within You.

When you are born you are imprinted with the qualities of one of these 64 hexagrams/gates, as they are called, for each specific planet in your chart.

The information carried by the neutrino stream at your moment of birth imprints you in that specific way for the rest of your life.

And, thus, this is how we get your Human Design chart.

Of which your Astrology is the foundation.

Making YOU, deeply deeply unique (as there are many many variables and factors at play here). and able to access your blueprint at any time. as long as you have an open mind, and your birth information 😉

Human Design also brings in experimentation principles from the scientific method, asking you to use this system as a trial and error process yourself.

This system doesn’t aim to prove anything.

It prompts you to enter into great self-awareness, get curious about your life path, and align with the ultimate reason you are here—your purpose.

Human Design is a tool that bridges the gap between science and spirituality, to support you in your personal growth and self-development.

It connects many dots that science just doesn’t give us an understanding of. Such as: your purpose, why you have the personality you do, how to heal from trauma, how to support your unique digestion, how to use your intuition, etc.

And it connects dots that spirituality doesn’t, such as our genetic makeup and predispositions.

Human Design, to me, connects you to your soul and helps you to understand the wisdom of the cosmos and quantum field in a way that applies to you and your life as the individual that you are.

So, ready to understand who you are and your purpose here in this life?

You’ll need an exact birth time, to make sure your chart is as accurate as possible.

If you want to learn how to read it, check out my e-book guides that walk you through it all—super simply.

To learn even more, take my the classes in the AstroHD Membership.


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