change just got a WHOLE lot easier


yesterday Uranus, the planet of change and innovation, went Direct after being Retrograde for the last 5 months ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

usually Mercury Retrograde is the hot astrology topic (coming Jan 30th)... but every planet goes through Retrograde, bringing a shift in their energy as well

Retrogrades are a time of introspection. a time to look inward as it relates to the particular energy of the time

the planet appears to be moving in a reverse fashion, therefore warping the energetic expression of said planet

Uranus retrograde prompts to look inward to where we have been keeping ourselves stuck and held back from our higher vision/mission/purpose

where have you been hiding our differences and trying to conform at a hindrance to ourselves and ultimately the collective?

with Mars joining Uranus and this energy, you are now being called to take action on the lessons around this theme you have learned recently

to move towards your higher vision

it's time

and with the Sun joining Pluto, the energy of your transformation is strongly supported

what action do you feel called to take that will align you with your vision/mission? let me know below ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

check your personal chart and what House you have Taurus in for more insight into what area of life this energy may be affecting for you at this time ๐Ÿ’ซ

3 spots left for the 2021 Cosmic Gateway Astrology reading! if you're seeking guidance or clarity around how you can align with your vision/mission/purpose this year... this in-depth year ahead reading is for you! check my stories for more details, or send me a DM. i'm so excited to support you expand into your highest!! ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ”ฎ


going through phasesโ€ฆ


The Importance of Knowing your Midheaven in Astrology