The Importance of Knowing your Midheaven in Astrology


the Midheaven in your birthchart gives insight into your career, and the path of your highest self.

it is the expression your gifts are meant to take on.

you can find your Midheaven by looking up your chart here.

it is the point between your 9th house and 10th house, one of the Axises of your chart.

it is the highest point of your chart, and the fullest expression of your unique gifts and talents.

for example, if you have a Cancer Midheaven, the highest expression of your gifts and talents is to share them with others in a way that makes people feel seen, nurtured, understood, and loved.

you could do this by holding space through ceremonies and retreats, by creating a like-minded community of support, or by simply becoming a mother and giving your children the best life you know how.

whatever this looks like for you, the rest of your chart will give you a more holistic picture as to how this energy is meant to play out and be expressed.

the rest of your chart also gives indication into your innate gifts and talents and how you can best use those in combination with your Midheaven to fully align with your purpose and the career you’re meant to have in this life.

to help you step into the energy of your Midheaven, i have channeled affirmations for each sign to support you on this path. you can also use these affirmations for your sun, moon, or rising signs or if you have a lot of one sign in your chart.

do you what you feel called with the information you find here.

i am merely just a channel, here to support you in whatever ways you need.

you know what those are. trust your knowing as it will never lead you astray.

Channeled Affirmations for Midheaven through the 12 Signs:

Aries: I am a confident leader and I use the high energy I possess to inspire others in a selfless way.

Taurus: I am persistent and steadfast. With consistency and a slow and steady pace, I can achieve anything I wish.

Gemini: I am open, curious and communicative. I am open to new ideas and learning through others.

Cancer: I am strong. I am intuitive. I am and have all I need within. In others I see my power reflected back to me.

Leo: I deeply and completely love, accept, and approve of myself. I honor the power I have and choose to express it boldly and lovingly.

Virgo: I am enough. My work is of high service and worthy of being shared with the world.

Libra: I am balanced and whole. I have all I need within me to create harmony and peace.

Scorpio: I experience life at its fullest when I am uncomfortable. I possess the power to dive deep despite fear. I am resilient.

Sagittarius: I seek to understand, not to know. I am a student of life and experience is my greatest teacher.

Capricorn: I am a strong foundation. I bring order, structure, and discipline to the world to achieve great success.

Aquarius: I embrace my uniqueness and individuality. I am tapped into my creativity and use my talents to bring innovation to this world. I am a fearless visionary.

Pisces: I allow myself to feel and emotions to flow like water. I am a natural healer and use my innate wisdom to bring humanity closer to the dream of peace we all hold.

I’d love to know what sign your Midheaven is in.
did any of these affirmations resonate with you?
tag me in your IG story and let me know!

love and light,

learn more about the Midheaven here:


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2021 - the Astrology supports you (+ horoscopes!)