what is AstroHD?

i am sooo excited to share with you all what i’ve learned about this

i’ve been learning the deeper aspects of human design for the last few years, and really heavily the last few months.

when i found out there was a connection between astrology AND human design, my mind was blown.

then i learned that the human design system also incorporates the I-ching and the Gene keys… (64 gates, hexagrams, keys and 6 lines in all systems, more on this on the youtube channel soon) and that connecting all of these systems gives you an incredibly deeper inner-standing of how it all works, and truly how unique every one of us in that we each have a different set of gates/signs/planets in our designs.

i felt called to create an offering to help you all understand the correlations between all these systems and how you can use them to better align with your highest potential and life purpose…the mission your soul came here to live out. book a session here if you’re interested 💗 i am SO STOKED to share this with you 💃🏻✨🙏🏼

peep my other offerings here. you can book a general consultation with me if you’d like a combination of offerings or have questions about specific areas of your chart. 

I’ll be posting a lot more about this information soon so stay tuned to learn more! in the meantime, subscribe to my YouTube and check out my blog to start uncovering the basics ✌🏼

learn more about the basics of Human Design (and Astrology) in my E-book 📖 the Cosmos Within You


be Selfish


Understand your Human Design type - what’s your aura?