be Selfish

i invite you to commit to being more selfish...

yeah, i said it.

i don’t mean selfish as in, be an inconsiderate asshole. i mean selfish as in put yourself first.

as a collective, we have become way too enmeshed in other people's business.

"what are they doing for money? they're sick so they must need love right now," .... while it can be inspirational to learn about other people's journeys and stories, it can also take us away from following our internal guidance system and our own unique individual TRUTH. that NO ONE could possibly copy or replicate. each one of you has your own unique magic and dharma. following someone's story line, only dilutes you. it waters you down. this is how so many of us alive on this planet right now have become lost.

if someone didn't ASK you to send them love, THEY DO NOT NEED IT! or even want it. we have to STOP enmeshing ourselves in other people's timelines just because it feels good to our ego. i'm sick of this spiritual ego bullshit... "let's send love to the whole planet, the people who are sick. etc etc." while i get it comes a well-intended loving place... you involving yourself in someone else's life (dharma) without their consent is toxic enmeshment. STAY IN YOUR LANE FRIENDS

not claiming i'm perfect here, i've definitely done this too. through it, i realized that, oh wow it's actually not received or able to be integrated because that person didn't ask... no one needs unsolicited advice. this ties into getting paid for the gifts you're sharing with the world, but that's another post for another day haha. i’m not inviting you to become an asshole. you can be selfish, AND be kind. selfish is just about putting yourself first. so that you have energy to give to others.

how about we focus on OUR path? this is where selfishness comes in. we've been taught that it's "bad" or "wrong" to be selfish. bullshit. being selfish helps everyone around you because you are giving yourself what you need in order to be healed and thrive, and live from your best. which IS healing the collective. we are all one. the illness you pray for in someone else is really your illness that you're not acknowledging in yourself. how can you put YOURSELF FIRST? knowing that in turn you ARE helping the collective. even if that's not what your conditioning would tell you.

rejecting selfishness is a form of DISTRACTION from your own healing that needs to be taking place and needs your attention in order to be transmuted. where do distractions come from? the matrix aka the darkness. which is NOT LIGHT. YOU ARE LIGHT. and you can only step into your light by being SELFISH and putting your damn self first.

focus on you. learn yourself well. BE THE TRUTH THAT YOU ARE. come home to your soul. take back your power and claim your divinity. keep yourself hydrated. get sunlight on your skin. connect with nature everyday. eat whole plant foods, less processed foods. stay in your lane and please please please stop involving yourself in the lives of others unless they ask for it.

if this triggered you, i invite you to look at WHY that is. go within and explore what's coming up for you right now. please don't project it onto me or anyone else. ask yourself the hard questions you need in order to explore who you are and love on your shit to grow through it. that's why we're here. that's how you can BE LIGHT in this world. and that's the exact selfishness i'm talking about that is so needed.


the Chakras through the lens of AstroHD


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