Exploring Your Wounded Healer: Discovering the Meaning of Chiron Placement in Your Human Design

if you’re into Astrology, you’ve probably heard about Chiron

in my opinion, it’s one of the most important placements in your chart

if you don’t know what Chiron is, let me break it down for you

Chiron is an asteroid, discovered in 1977, between Saturn and Uranus

it is like the rainbow bridge between the material world and spirituality

Chiron takes about 50 years to orbit through the Zodiac belt

meaning your Chiron Return, usually happens around that age

(get your Chiron Return chart at Genetic Matrix to learn when this will be for you)

that means Chiron will reach it’s first full orbit since being discovered, in 2027

oddly enough, the same year the founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, prophesied a big shift for humanity’s evolution

my opinion is that around this time, we will start to see a full integration into balancing the material and spiritual worlds

Chiron is your deepest wound, that when faced and healed, becomes your greatest gift and connection to Source/God energy

where Chiron is in your Astrology will tell you the area of life (house) that it shows up most for you, and how that wound expresses itself (the sign)

for example, Chiron in Virgo in the 12th house tells you that someone has a lot of issues with self-criticism and perfectionism, especially when it comes to spiritual gifts or intuition.

in Human Design, the Chiron placement gives you even more specifics about how it shows up for you

while Chiron doesn’t “activate” or color in a Gate in your chart, it is still an important part of your design.

knowing the gate it’s in can tell you even more about how it shows up in your life, and how you can heal from its wounds.

let’s take the above example again…

say a person has their Unconscious (Design) Chiron in Gate 40.3, and their Conscious (Personality) Chiron in Gate 59.3

look up your Chiron Human Design placement in my chart calculator here

this person is not only going to struggle in the ways that their Astrology chart indicates (12th House Virgo)

but also with intimacy (gate 59) and feeling alone (gate 40)

they probably have wounding around entering into partnerships where the other person needs healing, feeling like they can be the one to heal the other wounded person instead of themselves (gate 59)

as well as, self-isolating and over-working that, overtime, contributes to intense feelings of aloneness and isolation (gate 40).

where they eventually feel like they don’t belong but deeply crave a community in which they do feel they belong

the gift of these placements is that you can feel close to and comfortable around virtually anyone (gate 59), and be of great service to the collective by doing the work that you love (gate 40)

with the 3rd line through both these gates as well they have to learn how to heal these wounds through multiple experiences of trial and error, “failed” relationships, and failing to be able to take advice from people, because they have to learn on their own

the gift of the 3rd line is learning to laugh at one’s “mistakes” and share the lessons they learn with others

do you know where your Chiron is in your Human Design and/or Astrology chart?

read and understand your charts with my all-in-one guide, The Cosmos Within You


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