Breaking the Cycle of Depression: Understanding the Meaning of Depression Gates in Your Human Design
Get your Human Design chart ready…
Do you know if you have these gates in your chart?
Check your Sacral and Root centers.
These gates are called Format Energies and are sensitive to built up depression.
More specifically, if you have these gates as dormant gates. Meaning you don’t have the Sacral or Root defined, or both, in your chart.
The Sacral center is the home of our life-force energy. If you have this center undefined, you don’t have a consistent energy in which to pull from. Therefore, you need more rest than most people. And may struggle from health issues like burnout and exhaustion if you’re not honoring your need for that. Health issues in the reproductive system can also stem from an imbalance in this center.
The Root center is the place of our drive, ambition, pressure and stress. If you have this center undefined, you can suffer from trying to pressure yourself to get things done more quickly than is correct for you. Because of this, you can suffer from extreme stress problems resulting in adrenal imbalances. The pressure to get things done has nothing to do with you and should be ignored.
There are 6 gates that are considered Format Energies.
The Sacral center gates: 42, 3, and 9.
The Root center gates: 53, 60, and 52
These 6 Gates make the 3 Format Channels (when both connecting gates are colored in).
Format energy is an extremely powerful influence in one’s chart.
This energy wants to move and be active.
When these channels are not "filled in", depression can build up in the gates that are dormant.
So, say you do have one or more of these dormant gates… What now?
Well, that essentially means that you have a planetary placement, or more than one, that was/were in that Gate at the time of your birth.
This can either be on the Conscious side (boxes on the right side of the chart), or the Unconscious side (boxes on the left side of the chart).
If it’s in your conscious, you’re more aware of this part of.
If it’s in your unconscious you’re less aware of, or not aware of at all, the effect this energy has on you.
Each one of these gates has the potential for a different kind of depression.
In the Sacral Center:
Gate 42 - Depression about never being able to get out of something/an obligation
Gate 3 - Depression about being deeply confused at the beginning of things
Gate 9 - Depression over not being able to sit still and focus
In the Root Center:
Gate 53 - Depression about not being able to finish anything
Gate 60 - Depression of not being able to escape limitations, and of feeling stuck
Gate 52 - Depression over not knowing what to focus on. Asks, "why am I sitting still?"
The depression that these gates hold can build and build and build, until eventually there is a release.
The release happens when there is a transit occurring that creates a full channel between these centers or another center. A release can also occur when you enter into the aura of someone who creates a channel in these centers for you.
Then, and only then, can this depressive energy move through you (most likely as e-motion, energy in motion) and be released.
Then, it starts over again when the transit is over or you leave that person’s aura.
It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you.
It is just how you are designed.
There is no rhyme or reason to the cause of this depressive energy, other than that it just cannot move because it’s dormant.
These 3 Format Channels are also related to food…
and you may find that you tend to gravitate towards these types of foods if you have these full channels (both gates).
Whole, unprocessed, versions of these foods are best. And it is correct for you to eat these types of foods, according to your Determination, if and when you have these full channels defined. (Transits and being around other people can also create this).
42 - 53: fats (nuts, seeds, avocado, etc.)
3 - 60: sugar and carbohydrates (bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit, etc.)
9 - 52: protein (meat, dairy, etc.)
Support yourself with healthy versions of these foods to give yourself the nourishment that these cravings are telling you you need.
When it comes to food, you want to have an understanding of your Determination: your ideal eating style and the way of eating that is correct for you.
You’re probably wanting to learn more about your chart, right?
I would be too! Check out my comprehensive guides here.
You can learn more about how to eat correctly according to your Human Design chart in my AstroHD Membership