The Hidden Power of Your Moon Sign: Understanding Where You Store and Process Emotions in Your Body
I had a realization the other day that I just HAVE to share with you.
for most of my life, i’ve had tight hips.
in the last few years i’ve learned that it is soo helpful to have a consistent movement routine where i’m able to stretch my hips and release the stored energy there.
and just recently, found a correlation in my own birth chart that gives me even more insight into why this happens and what i need to support it and love on it.
so, here i am, sharing this information with you.
cause i feel it could be really helpful.
every Astrological sign represents a part of the human body.
you can find more information about this in my ebook guide to Astrology here.
the Moon sign in your chart represents the emotional body and your subconscious.
therefore, you can look to this area of your chart to see where you may be holding tension in your body if you don’t have a consistent practice to release it and move the energy through you
emotions and energy in motion
wherever we’re not feeling our emotions and allowing them to move through, they’re stagnating in the body
therefore, causing tension, tightness, soreness, and dis-ease if not tended to
you can find what sign your Moon is in easily at
here’s a quick break down for each sign and what could support you in clearing your emotional body and easing anything you’re feeling as a result of it building up
for this post i’ll be going over solely the Moon and your emotions.
you can also apply this to other planets in your chart and anywhere you have a heavy or multiple placement of one sign
to take this even deeper, note what’s House it’s in.
AND if know your Unconscious Astrology chart in your Human Design, you can use that Moon sign too for even more insight
learn more about your Unconscious Astrology in this blog post here.
Moon in Aries - you probably experience symptoms of adrenal fatigue when you’re emotional drained or have lots of stagnant energy built up in your emotional body. this can look like brain fog, feeing constantly drained, headaches, and lots of nervous energy or anxiety. movement is especially helpful for you in release of this. something that gets your blood pumping and feels like a release and relief afterward.
Moon in Taurus - emotions are stored in your jaw, throat, and/or nose. you might experience tension in your jaw in times of emotional stagnancy. another common thing for this placement is tightness in the neck and shoulders. as well as sinus infections or catching colds often. pamper yourself and indulge in your favorite form of self-care every now and then. you deserve it.
Moon in Gemini - with this placement out of alignment you could experience problems with the lungs and breathing. asthma related issues. thyroid issues and disregulations. tension and tightness in the shoulders and hands. this could also look like mental disorders or a strong tendency to overthink and overanalyze. while intellectual conversations are important for your fulfillment, it’s just as important to have fun and enjoy earthly pleasures too.
Moon in Cancer - breast or chest pain may be common with emotional stagnancy for this placement. you may also notice that you’re getting sick more than usual and have a decreased immune response. if your emotions have been suppressed over a long period of time, this can result in an auto-immune disease. it’s important for you to nurture yourself and hold space for your emotions the same way you do for others.
Moon in Leo - you will experience back issues and/or heart or cardiovascular issues if you are holding on to emotions in your body. you may also experience pain or problems with your arms or hands as these are closely tied to the heart. you need to be spending your time doing activities that help you to feel bold, confident, and passionate. laughter is your greatest medicine.
Moon in Virgo - you store emotions in your stomach and digestive tract. you probably get a lot of stomach aches or notice digestion problems if there’s something you’re not working through on an emotional level. you might even have developed an intolerance to certain foods like gluten or dairy. acid reflux can be common here too. practice things that help you to tune into your body and leave the mind behind.
Moon in Libra - you may experience hormone issues and imbalances if you are experiencing emotional stagnancy. or problems with the kidneys and/or adrenals. you may also notice that your relationships are in turmoil and you may feel anxiety or problems with your nervous system as well. make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people who support your growth and emotional well-being.
Moon in Scorpio - problems with your reproductive organs and/or urinary tract are common with this placement when it comes to emotional stagnancy or repression. UTIs, fungal or bacterial infections will persist to get your attention here. you may also experience issues with digestion. it’s important with this placement to notice how you may be taking on energy from those around you. know it is within your power to reject energy from others if you’re not willing to transmute it.
Moon in Sagittarius - stagnant emotions for you are stored in your hips and thighs. tight and stiff hips and quads are common. it is also common to experience poor circulation with this placement. lots of stretching, yin yoga, and movement can help move the energy through your body so it’s not all built up in one area. take more solo adventures and don’t feel bad if you wanna explore on your own every now and then.
Moon in Capricorn - emotional suppression over time for this placement can result in spinal issues, broken bones, and/or problems with the knees, teeth, or skin. remember to slow down and not be so hard on yourself. set yourself scheduled time to process your emotions and stop pretending they don’t exist, cause they do.
Moon in Aquarius - problems with the shins, achilles, nervous system, and/or bladder are common with emotional stagnancy for this placement. similar to Libra, this can look like heightened anxiety, nervous system issues, or even unexplained bloating or swelling in your body. remember your human-ness and that it’s important to care for and nurture yourself.
Moon in Pisces - you may experience pain or problems in your feet, lymphatic system, and/or immune system. similar to Cancer, overtime this could develop into an auto-immune disorder. remember to give yourself space from others to nurture and care for yourself as you are highly empathic and sensitive to the energy around you.
of course, these predictions are general and it depends on the holistic energies and placements of your chart for why you may be experiencing certain issues in your body. check your other prominent and strong placements if your Moon sign doesn’t resonate or apply to what you’re currently experiencing.
learn more about how to understand your Astrology (and Human Design) in my E-book 📖 👇👇👇
this is in no way meant to replace medical advise. please consult your physician if something is seriously ailing you.