Unlocking the Power of Your Aura Type: Understanding Your Unique Human Design Type for Greater Fulfillment and Success

new to Human Design? find your unique chart on my website here, or at geneticmatrix.com

here i will break down the basics so that you can have an understanding of how to apply this information to your own life and find the guidance you’ve been seeking as it relates to your most ideal decision making process

here is a breakdown of the 5 different aura types in HD:

Manifestor - you’re here to inform, initiate, and act independently.

Generator - you’re here to respond to what feels good and excites you.

Manifesting Generator (MG) - you are a hybrid of the Manifestor and Generator. you operate like a superfast, multi-passionate Generator and respond to what excites you. you also need to inform, like a Manifestor.

Projector - you’re here to be recognized and invited to share your gifts.

Reflector - you’re here as a mirror for others. listen to your body when making decisions, and for big decisions wait a lunar cycle (28 days).

you also have a unique Authority that you’re here to follow to find clarity and how to make decisions that support you.

the 7 different Authorities are as follows:

Ego (Manifestor/Projector) - what you desire is your guidance system

Mental (Projector) - gathering conclusions through talking

Self-projected (Projector) - your truth is found in your identity and found through spoken out loud to others.

Emotional (MG/Manifestor/Generator/Projector) - you are meant to wait for clarity to make a decision. this usually comes through the changing of the Moon into a new sign. when the Moon is void of course you will feel especially indecisive and/or caught in an emotional wave.

Sacral/Pure (MG/Generator) - you are meant to listen to your body to make a decision. does it feel expansive or exciting to you in your body? it’s a yes. does it feel constricting or limiting? it’s a no.

Splenic (Projector) - listen to the subtle intuitive whispers you get. they won’t come more than once. write down the hits you get so you don’t forget them.

Lunar (Reflector) - allow your environment to show you, through disappointment, where you need to pivot and through that find clarity. more clarity will come through the progression of a lunar cycle, about 28-29 days.

the combination of these two things give you an even better picture of how you can operate to find ease and align with your unique decision making process

for example, i’m a Sacral (pure) Manifesting Generator. and i’m here to respond to opportunities that light me up and make me feel excited and alive.

did this help you learn about your design? let me know :) much love

learn more about reading your Human Design (and Astrology) with my Chart Guides here


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