the Moon


Your Moon sign represents your moods, emotions, and your subconscious energies 🌙

it is a reflection of your true inner desires, and an indication of the way you present yourself to those whom you are most comfortable with 🌚

it is the way you process your feelings and indicates how you find happiness and practice self care 💅🏼

as well as how you find security and stability within your life 🌳

your Moon sign reflects your Heart and Soul desires and what kind of life you envision for yourself and your family, those closest to your heart 💓

the Moon sign also gives you insight into your childhood and the struggles you’ve had to overcome as a result 👶🏼

this depends on what House your Moon is in as well 🏡

scroll below to see how to look for the Moon in Your Unique Chart 👇🏼

do you know what your Moon sign is? let me know in the comments ✍🏼💭

Your Unique Chart shows you who the highest expression of yourself is and what you can aspire to be, should you choose to 🌟

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to learn more about your highest alignment, book a reading to go deeper and learn more about who you are meant to be in this life 🔮


New Moon in Virgo 9.17.20


the Sun