the Sun
the Sun in Astrology represents your ego, your core essence, and who you are at a soul level ☀️
it is the typical Zodiac Horoscope you see in magazines, blogs, etc. ☪️
your Sun sign is based on the day of your birth 🎂
it says a lot about your core personality 🌞
if you don’t resonate with your Sun sign, something is off within your personal alignment ⚖️
Astrology can be used as a tool for growth and development of the self 💓
the Sun sign is also a great indicator into your habits and patterns and what you may struggle to overcome in your life ⚛️
when you understand who you are, how you work, and where you can improve, life suddenly becomes easier, more peaceful and graceful 🙏🏼
Your Unique Chart shows you who the highest expression of yourself is and what you can aspire to be, should you choose to 🌟
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to learn more about your highest alignment, look up your chart to find out or book a reading to go deeper and learn more about who you are meant to be in this life 🔮