Letting Go and Embracing Joy: Navigating Venus Retrograde in Leo for Releasing Relationships and Rediscovering Happiness

 This is a big deal and you need to know about it!

on June 9, Venus moved into the sign of Leo, where it will stay until October 8th.

Check your astrology chart for the area of life this will be affecting most, based on your chart.

If you need help or guidance with your chart, download my all in one guide to learn how to read your chart on your own or take my Astrology course.

When a planet goes retrograde, it has three phases:

  • Phase 1 — the pre-retrograde phase, when the planet first moves into the sign. And in this phase, you will experience the lessons you're meant to learn from this retrograde period. You may face against challenges or conflicts in this area of your life with relationships, finances, self worth, and values, all things Venus rules over.

  • Phase 2 — when the planet goes retrograde. In this case that will be July 22nd. This is when we have a chance to revisit all of those things that Venus just brought up (in Phase 1) in the area of life it is for you. Things will slow down in that area of life to give you a chance to reassess and reevaluate how you want to move forward once Venus starts moving forward again. Which in this case won't be until the 3rd of September, giving you a chance for over 40 days to reflect on the lessons of Venus through this area of your life.

  • Phase 3 — the post-retrograde grade phase. When Venus starts moving forward again and asks for you to integrate the lessons you have learned during the first two phases. It’s important to reflect on what has come up for you, so that you learn the lesson and it doesn’t show up again. For this particular retrograde, this will be from September 3rd until October 8th.

If you have any planets in Leo, these will also be major players in the lessons you're learning around this time. So again, check your chart for guidance.

The House (area of life) you have Leo in, will be the biggest focus of this energy and the lesson it’s calling for you to learn.

In general, it will ask for you to get clear on which relationships in your life are serving you and contributing to your joy, and which ones do not.

Don’t be afraid to let go of those connections that are no longer joyful for you, because this will create space for new ones to come in.

This will also be a time to get clear on WHAT brings you joy, and how to make more time for it.

Remember to embrace your joy, passions, and creativity the same way you did when you were a child.

Reconnecting with your child self and integrating that in with your adult self, will also be a big focus at this time.

How do you already see this showing up for you, based on your chart?


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