Finding Your Astrology Houses


Finding your Houses is very important for knowing how planetary transits are affecting you.

the Houses represent your areas of life.

whatever planet is moving through there, is going to affect that House/area of your life with it's energy.

you can find your chart and Houses at

your chart will be divided into 12 sections, Houses.

the planets you have in your chart surrounding the transits play a role as well.

looking more into your Astrology than this however, is a much deeper dive.

in general, the Houses provide a lens for us to look through as to how we approach different areas of our lives.

for example, the 11th House can be looked through the lens of how you show up on social media.

the 11th House is ruled by Aquarius, so it adds this energy to whatever sign YOU have your 11th House in.

if you have Leo in your 11th House, you are meant to show up on social media confidently and embodied in your power.

this might be your innate tendency, or something you have to grow towards.

only you know which is needed for you at this time.

Astrology is just a lens to look through in which you can align with your highest and gain clarity around the healing and growth you’re here to take part in.

if you want to learn more about each House in your birth chart, and how to read the rest of your chart, check out my all-in-one guide, The Cosmos Within You


Scents to Relieve Anxiety based on your Chart


Planetary Update for the weekend of 1.23.21