Scents to Relieve Anxiety based on your Chart


the North Node is now in Taurus

which meansss…

embracing all things having to do with the senses

especially aromatherapy

aromatherapy is a great natural way to calm the body down and find relief through relaxation

i have 3 placements in Taurus, so you already know i’m allll about things that smell good

and having smells you enjoy in your home is just a great way in general to feel more comfortable where you are

this post will walk you through the best scents for each Zodiac sign, as well as what planet to look at in your chart if you’re needing some relaxation around a specific area of your life

harnessing the power of the Signs and Planets from your unique chart in this way will support you in further knowing how to nurture and care for yourself through anything you may be facing

this is also a great way to relieve anxiety, stress, and pain

you can look for these scents in essential oils for diffusing, anointing oils for wearing, and incense or candles for burning

Aroma for each Zodiac Sign

  • Aries - Nettle, Cardamom, Vanilla, Clove

  • Taurus - Rose, Jasmine, Elderberry

  • Gemini - Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lavender

  • Cancer - Ylang ylang, Patchouli, Chamomile

  • Leo - Neroli, Dandelion, Cinnamon, Clove

  • Virgo - Sandalwood, Eucalyptus, Ylang ylang, Rosemary

  • Libra - Rose, Bergamot, Vanilla, Hibiscus

  • Scorpio - Geranium, Sage, Frankincense, Basil

  • Sagittarius - Tea tree, Geranium, Juniper berry, Honeysuckle

  • Capricorn - Cedarwood, Myrrh, Lavender, Vetiver

  • Aquarius - Lemon, Rosemary, Patchouli, Amber

  • Pisces - Lavender, Tea tree, Spruce

which is your favorite?

now, let’s bring in the use of the Planets and take this deeper

use the scents associated with what sign you have in each Planet to support you at a more holistic level

for example, if your Sun sign (zodiac sign) is in Pisces, you would use those scents if you feel you are needing support around your core expression

  • Sun sign - represents our willpower, core expression, ego, masculine side, and innate habits and tendencies

  • Moon sign - represents our emotions, subconscious, feminine side, and intuition

  • Rising sign - represents our identity, outward persona, and ability to freely express who we are

  • Venus sign - represents our self-worth, relationships, and how we relate to our finances

  • Mars sign - represents our drive, how we express our energy, and how we take action

  • Mercury sign - represents our ability to community, our thought patterns, and our perception

  • Jupiter sign - represents our expansion and ability to find joy and optimism

  • Saturn sign - represents our structure, the foundation of our lives, and karmic lessons

  • Neptune sign - represents our spirituality and innate wisdom, as well as the ability we have to heal ourselves

  • Uranus sign - represents how we approach change and what goes through innovation in our lives

so, let’s say you’re needing some support with your emotions.

you’ve been struggling to allow yourself to relax, slow down, and feel through what you’re experiencing

in this case, you would look at what Sign your Moon is in in your Chart

if your Moon sign is in the sign of Taurus… floral scents like rose, and jasmine could help you tap into your ability to feel and release what you need to process

was this helpful for you? i’d love to know! :)

learn how to read your birth chart through my all-in-one guide, The Cosmos Within You 👇


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