have you been feeling the intense shifts in energy lately?


like there's more anxiety than usual

everyday feels like a rollercoaster

things have NOT been going as planned

you feel different than you normally do...

and you just can't put your finger on it?

this is a powerful time of transformation and transition for the planet

you're not alone

and what you're growing through right now is gearing you up for the next phase of your life

even when it's hard, challenging, and downright exhausting

the only thing that has kept me holding on right now is the support i have from friends, and the guidance looking at my astrology provides

and naps πŸ˜‚

support and guidance are crucial during this time, to find your alignment through all these changes and shifts with ease and grace

book a session with me if you're seeking guidance on your current journey. you don't have to do this alone. click here to book the session that feels most supportive for you right now. i'm cheering for you, you got this. i love you πŸ’—


here’s my process for manifesting ANYthing


i'm about to get real transparent here