i'm about to get real transparent here


i say this all the time...

and yet, it's SO easy to forget

life for most people IS NOT how you see it on social media

social media has turned into a highlight reel

and most people show the best moments of their lives

which only heightens the comparison

especially when we're not feeling great about certain parts of our lives

it becomes a downward spiral of thoughts like "why don't i have what they have? why do they have it so good? their life looks so perfect. etc. etc"

spoiler alert: NONE of that is true

everybody poops.

everybody has bad days.

everybody feels emotions

and has human problems like tripping on concrete, stepping in dog poop, questioning their life, etc.

lately my biggest struggle has been housing and finances (pluto is currently in my 4th house in the sign of capricorn ahhhh)

i haven't had a solid home situation, where i knew i'd be living for as long as i wanted, since 2019

i've slept on friend's couches and floors, lived out of a tent, lived in a van, lived in a car, and sublet temporary rooms here and there

it's been a LOT of transition

and it's really taught me to surrender and that EVERYTHING works out for a reason, no matter what

while i've been learning this for what seems like eons, it can sometimes be hard to remember when i'm in the thick of the gunk of the unknown

i'm grateful to have such amazing friends to help me through it

it has truly been a blessing, even with the hard days, to always come back to "okay this is happening FOR ME and all i need to do is be present and breath through it"

the mantra i come back to is: it's fine, it's all divine

do you have a mantra that helps you? lmk below:)


have you been feeling the intense shifts in energy lately?


you're meant to be who you ARE