you're meant to be who you ARE

which is totally unlike anyone else

Human Design shows you who you really are

learning my design has helped me to see and understand the truly and deeply unique individual i am and how to live and navigate as that person

it has shown me who i am NOT, and how to identify the parts of me that are not me, so that i can let them go

for the longest time i was just trying to fit in and be like everyone else

i was constantly anxious, overthinking EVERYthing, i lacked confidence in my self and putting my work into the world, and i was often overwhelmed by life

i didn't have belief in my true self, because i really didn't think it was okay to be different

now i understand that my difference has a purpose, and so does everyone else's

want to learn yours? book a 1:1 session with me to find out 😘


i'm about to get real transparent here


how do you know your life purpose?