the Chakras through the lens of AstroHD
Did you know they each have corresponding zodiac signs?
More than one, even.
You can use this knowledge to apply this to your own life and see where and how your chakras need more love.
this knowledge was gathered from the correlations between Astrology and Human Design
7 of the centers in HD represent the 7 chakras
each chakra has gates coming from it as well
which can take your understanding of yourself and how you operate even deeper
that’s what the numbers i’ll list beside each sign mean. (you can also apply this to the gene keys system)
if you don’t understand that yet, don’t worry
take what resonates for you right now and leave what doesn’t
Crown Chakra - Capricorn (61), Pisces (63), Virgo (64)
these are some of the most tapped in, psychic signs of the zodiac. if you want to tap into this part of yourself, look to these signs in your chart to teach you how.
Third Eye Chakra - Leo (4), Sagittarius (11), Aries (17), Taurus (24), Scorpio (43), Virgo (47)
these signs have stellar vision. and i don’t necessarily mean eyesight… vision as in they have the ability to see from a higher perspective, when they so choose.
Throat Chakra - Taurus (8, 23), Gemini (12, 16, 20, 35, 45), Leo (31, 33), Cancer (56, 62)
these signs have an incredible ability (and need) to speak up for themselves and others. to communicate from a place of vulnerability and honesty
Heart Chakra - Aries (21, 51), Sagittarius (26), Virgo (40)
these signs are here to open their hearts and learn compassion for those around them. as well as the lesson of surrender through commitment
Solar Plexus Chakra - Virgo (6), Pisces (22, 36, 37, 55), Aquarius (30, 49)
these signs are here to learn transmutation through feeling deeply. this can be challenging for the Virgo and Aquarius placements
Sacral Chakra - Aries (3, 42), Sagittarius (5, 9, 34), Scorpio (14), Taurus (27), Leo (29), Virgo (59)
these signs must learn through drive, sexuality, passion, and steadfast determination in pursuit of their greater vision
Root Chakra - Aquarius (19, 41), Capricorn (38, 54, 58, 60), Cancer (39, 52, 53)
these signs are to learn what i means to feel safe, supported, and grounded into the earth to achieve their life’s work.
there are 2 extra centers in the HD system that split off from 2 original chakras, the Heart split into the G-center (identity) and the Heart (will).
G-Center - Scorpio (1), Taurus (2), Leo (7), Capricorn (10), Aquarius (13), Aries (25), Cancer (15), Libra (46)
these placements are here to learn expression of the self in the truest form and how that shapes your identity
the Solar Plexus split and created the Spleen.
Spleen - Libra (18, 32, 48, 50, 57), Scorpio (28, 44)
these placements are meant to teach you how to trust your gift of intuition and listening to the intuitive hits you get
what gates and signs do you have in your chart? let me know below :)
learn more about the basics of Human Design (and Astrology) in my E-book 📖 the Cosmos Within You