Understand the profiles in Human Design

in HD there are 12 different profiles.

6 of these are foundational profiles (1/3, 2/4, 3/5, 4/6, 5/1, and 6/2)

the other 6 are changing profiles (1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 4/1, 5/2, and 6/3) and are much more rare

the profile is related to your Conscious (black side) and Unconscious (red side) Sun signs in Astrology

your unique profile is the lessons you will go through in life on order to align with your purpose and your soul’s mission here.

it also gives insight into your personality and how you’re here to operate through your journey

i will break down all 6 lines, the profiles, and give examples of each.

line 1 - the investigator. being the first line, the energy of this number is foundational. you need to have a solid foundation before moving forward. if you have this number in your profile you respond best to complete and thorough information and heartfelt directness. there is a common wound of repression here in which you’re meant to grow through your fears, realizing they must be accepted and explored. this line needs to look inward to find empowerment and direction. if you have a line 1 in your profile, it is imperative you follow your strategy/authority to make the correct decisions.

line 2 - the hermit. the energy of this line is all about expression, projection, ease of being, passion, and relationships. as a line 2, your gifts come natural to you. if you have this number in your profile you respond best to high frequency with no agenda. there is often a wound of denial here, in which you are meant to look into the mirror of your relationships and turn anger into passion. this line also needs to be left alone in order to gain clarity. you are waiting for a call from the outside.

line 3 -the martyr. this line is all about forming bonds. it is the energy of adaptation, discovery, learning through trail and error, and becoming aware of energy through experience. if you have this line in your profile, you respond best to having absolutely no pressure. it is common for this line to carry a wound of shame. you’re meant to confront your commitment issues and learn to laugh at yourself and perceived “mistakes”. this line is extremely gifted with adaptation and resilience.

line 4 - the opportunist. this line is a connector of people, places, and opportunities. the energy of this line is friendship, connection, magnetic influence, love, and community. if you have this line in your profile, you respond best to integrity, honesty, softness, and romance. this line often carries a wound of rejection… know that only you can heal your heart, and be gentle with yourself. you are here to set the foundation for how to deal with others and be influential.

line 5 - the heretic. this line is meant to speak and spread the truth. it wants to save the day. the energy of this line is practicality, leadership, organization, power, and projection. if you have this line in your profile, you respond best to simple and practical solutions. this line often carries a wound of guilt. you are to remain aware of the manipulation of power, consciously and unconsciously. remember to forgive everyone, including yourself. your words need to have action behind it in order to reach the full potential of your impact.

line 6 - the role model. this line is a visionary. they are the overseers, the role models, and meant to learn surrender through education. this line responds best to patience. it often carries a wound of isolation. you are meant to remain self-aware if you disengage and to manifest your highest vision here in your physical body. you are very much here to share your wisdom with the world. remember the things you’ve learned are unique and need to be shared.

the profile combinations are as follows:

1/3: this is the first profile. it is meant to make lots of “mistakes” in order to learn the correct way to do something. you go through intense phases of trial and error. you challenge authority because you know, through your own unique experience, what works and what doesn’t.

1/4: here to influence through their unique learning experiences. you are here to express your influence. as opposed to the 1/3 that likes to question, you would rather inform. you investigate (line 1) in order to communicate and move information to others. you use your knowledge to create opportunities with others.

2/4: you go through phases of needing to be left alone (hermit, line 2) or mingling with others. it’s important for you to establish a balance here and know when you need to be alone versus when it’s time to connect with others. although you have a tendency to hide, you are very naturally gifted at connection when you’re in a place where it feels good to do.

2/5: this profile innately feels a lot of pressure. as a line 5, you are very subject to projection and expectations from others. you love and need your alone time (hermit, line 2) and the world needs you to share yourself in a way that is inspiring, empowering, and uplifting to those around you.

3/5: this profile is arguably the most magnetic. a lot of famous people have this profile, as you all are great at attracting people to you and creating bonds (line 3). you get along well with many people and are incredibly gifting at supporting and helping those in need (heretic, line 5).

3/6: similar to the 1/3, this profile experiences a lot of trial and errors. for the first 30 years of your life, you’re operating as a full-on 3… meaning you make a lot of mistakes, throwing yourself into fires, so that you can learn from them and not repeat them in the future. you’re also here to share that wisdom with others (role model, line 6) so they don’t have to make the same mistakes you did.

4/6: most things in your life revolve around your inner circle, your family and close friends. you live for connections with others. as with the other profiles with the line 6, for the first 30 years of your life you live for others as a line 3, building (and sometimes breaking) bonds and learning through experiences. after your Saturn Return, you start to live more for yourself and are able to focus more on your immediate needs over the needs of others.

4/1: you’re here to remind the world that life doesn’t have to be that hard. this is your truth that you came into the world to share. you have a natural balance between the physical world and the Source in which we all originated from. your “truth” is meant to evolve over time, with the more wisdom and knowledge you gain through life experience. you’re meant to connect with others to share this wisdom with the right people.

5/1: this profile seeks to be in a solid foundation of knowledge so that it can rescue others. you are a natural researcher, and if you feel like you’re not ready to be the support for someone, this is an indicator that gathering more information is needed. people look up to you for your wisdom so be selective with what you’re sharing and how you’re helping those around you. you need to feel confident in order for it to fully land and be truly helpful.

5/2: this profile has an instinctive need to save the day, despite it’s need for alone time (hermit, line 2). you are the self-motivated hero. you know the risks presented to you, and you’re willing to take them in order to save those around you. it’s important for you to listen to your body and take note of where in the past you’ve felt called to help someone and it worked out.

6/2: you were born into the world as the role model you’ve always known you are, and that you’re meant to be. a big lesson for you is to come home to that inner child that knows who you are, removed from the conditioning you’ve received through your life. like other line 6s, you live for the first 30 years of your life as a line 3, paving a path for the person you’re meant to grow into. you’re very much here to master the dance between internal and external harmony of achievement and mastery.

6/3: with having your line 3 in the body, your physical life is a consistent rollercoaster ride. for the first 30 years of your life, you will constantly be throwing yourself in fires in order to learn what is correct for you and to make mistakes that you learn to not repeat. after your Saturn Return, you will climb to the top of your mountain and learn what it means to be the role model you came here to be.

how does learning your profile resonate with you? let me know below

learn more about the Profiles and the basics of Human Design (and Astrology) in my E-book 📖 the Cosmos Within You


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