The Astrology and Human Design Blog
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i have been in countless, COUNTLESS situations where i had less than $10 in my bank account, no idea where money was gonna come from... i was single and homeless with no job, living on a prayer, literally. and money still found a way to me.
let me tell you a secret
Human Design and Astrology help you to SEE the places in you in which you've taken that energy on from others, and how you can release it to come home to who you ACTUALLY ARE
using your Human Design to grow and heal
the strategy and authority is where it all starts. this is your guidance system, your decision making process, and how you will align with the best opportunities for you based on your unique design
Unlocking the Power of Your Aura Type: Understanding Your Unique Human Design Type for Greater Fulfillment and Success
Here i will break down the basics so that you can have an understanding of how to apply this information to your own life and find the guidance you’ve been seeking as it relates to your most ideal decision making process
The Hidden Power of Your Moon Sign: Understanding Where You Store and Process Emotions in Your Body
The Moon sign in your chart represents the emotional body and your subconscious. Therefore, you can look to this area of your chart to see where you may be holding tension in your body if you don’t have a consistent practice to release it and move the energy through you. This post tells you how!